Detection, Interpolation and Cancellation (检测、插值和取消).pdf

Detection, Interpolation and Cancellation (检测、插值和取消).pdf

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Detection, Interpolation and Cancellation (检测、插值和取消)

Bitzer and Rademacher (Paper Nr. 21) 1 Detection, Interpolation and Cancellation Algorithms for GSM burst Removal for Forensic Audio Joerg Bitzer and Jan Rademacher Abstract— One increasing problem for forensic audio analysis is the so-called bumblebee noise, caused by GSM radio transmission. The disturbance can be described as short pulses with a fundamental frequency of approximately 217Hz. The pulse nature of the signal causes a lot of harmonics and therefore, most of the desired speech signal is masked. In this contribution we introduce a new algorithm to reduce the burst. After analyzing the burst structure we found that filtering or adaptive noise cancelling is not suitable for this problem, because of two reasons. The burst itself is time-varying, or at least the recording device and medium are not constant and the burst can distort the signal more or less completely (overload, clipping). Therefore, we propose a two-step method. The first step is to detect the disturbance and the second is to remove it. Due to the large variety of occurrences over different recordings (inter-variation) and the small variations for one recording (intra-variation) we decided to use a fingerprint approach for detection. This means that the user selects one typical burst and the algorithm will find all other occurrences. This part of the signal is finally removed by using cancellation or interpolation algorithms. The interpolation is based on the auto-regressive (AR)-model of the speech signal. The resulting speech signal sounds natural and the remaining noise is not disturbing or reduces intelligibility.



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