Determination of glyphosate in groundwater (测定草甘膦的地下水).pdf

Determination of glyphosate in groundwater (测定草甘膦的地下水).pdf

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Determination of glyphosate in groundwater (测定草甘膦的地下水)

Anal Bioanal Chem DOI 10.1007/s00216-011-5541-y ORIGINAL PAPER Determination of glyphosate in groundwater samples using an ultrasensitive immunoassay and confirmation by on-line solid-phase extraction followed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry Josep Sanchís Lina Kantiani Marta Llorca Fernando Rubio Antoni Ginebreda Josep Fraile Teresa Garrido Marinella Farré Received: 30 June 2011 /Revised: 18 October 2011 /Accepted: 25 October 2011 # Springer-Verlag 2011 Abstract Despite having been the focus of much attention chromatography (LC) coupled to tandem mass spectrome- from the scientific community during recent years, glypho- try (MS/MS), for the confirmatory analysis of positive sate is still a challenging compound from an analytical samples. The magnetic particle IA has been applied to the point of view because of its physicochemical properties: analysis of about 140 samples of groundwater from relatively low molecular weight, high polarity, high water Catalonia (NE Spain) collected during four sampling solubility, low organic solvent solubility, amphoteric be- campaigns. Glyphosate was present above limit of quanti- haviour and ease to form metal complexes. Large efforts fication levels in 41% of the samples with concentrations as have been directed towards developing suitable, sensitive high as 2.5 μg/L and a mean concentration of 200 ng/L. and robust methods for the routine analysis of this widely Good agreement was obtained when comparing the results used herbicide. In the present work, a magnetic particle from IA and on-line SPE-LC-MS/MS analyses. In addition, immunoassay (IA) has been evaluated for fast, reliable and no false negatives were obtained by the use of


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