
BGA芯片的高速高精度视觉检测与定位算法 High-speed and High-precision Vision Detection and Locating Algorithm of BGA.pdfVIP

BGA芯片的高速高精度视觉检测与定位算法 High-speed and High-precision Vision Detection and Locating Algorithm of BGA.pdf

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BGA芯片的高速高精度视觉检测与定位算法 High-speed and High-precision Vision Detection and Locating Algorithm of BGA

电子 工 艺 技 术 第27 卷第5 期 262 Eiectronics Process Technoiogy 2006 年9 月 ! SMT/ PCB! ·· SMT/ PCB ·· · SMT/ PCB · · SMT/ PCB · · SMT/ PCB · · SMT/ PCB · · SMT/ PCB · · SMT/ PCB · · SMT/ PCB · · SMT/ PCB · BGA 芯片的高速高精度视觉检测与定位算法 方晓胜,胡跃明,高红霞 (华南理工大学,广东 广州 510640 ) 摘 要:针对高速高精度贴片机的计算机视觉检测与定位问题,研究了BGA 芯片的图像识别 对中问题。首先通过分析贴片机生产中BGA 的识别任务,指出了实现BGA 识别的关键;然后提出 了相应的实现算法的总体思想;接着对算法中要用到的点模式匹配算法作了大概的介绍;最后给出 了算法的具体步骤。试验结果表明该算法在速度和精度上都能满足实际生产的需要,且相比点模 式匹配算法,速度有了较大的提高。 关键词:BGA ;视觉检测;点模式;贴片机;排序 中图分类号: !6 文献标识码:# 文章编号:100 1 - 3474 (2006 )05 - 0262 - 03 High - speed and High - precision Vision Detection and Locating Algorithm of BGA FANG Xiao - sheng,HU Yue - ming,GA Hong - xia (South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640 ,China) Abstract:According to the positioning and detecting probiems of computer vision in the high speed and high precision SMT piacement ,the recognition arithmetic of BGA is researched. The paper firstiy points out the key of the recognition of BGA by anaiysing the recognition tasks in the process of SMT piacement production. Secondiy ,the corresponding image recognition arithmetic frame is given. Thirdiy , the point pattern matching used in proposed arithmetic is described. Finaiiy ,the arithmetic is given out in detaii. The resuit demonstrates that the speed and accuracy of the arithmetic are good enough to meet the practicai appiication reguirements. Besides that ,the arithmetic performance is better than the poin



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