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品牌文案导语:下面分分享实战品牌案例的写法:(以华桪壹品装饰为例) 口号 SLOGAN华樳壹品 · 给她品质的家BEST HOME FOR HER她 - 致母亲:小时候,她总是为了家,忙前忙后。慈母的手,托起了半边的天。长大后,是时候,用我的手,托起她的天,给她一个品质的家。To HER - MomWhen I was a child, she was always busy for the family,with her hands, with her spirit, she held up half the sky for me.Now, I am a grown-up, it is time for me to hold up the sky for her, my dearest mom,giving her the quality home. 她 – 致妻子:她总是说,她想有个家,一个不需要多么大的地方。而我要给她的,是一个品质的家,为她遮风,为她挡雨,给她一盏不灭的暖灯。To HER – My wifeShe always says, she wants to have a home,a place whichis not that big.However, I want to give her the quality home,to be the shelter, to be the eternal warm light.她 – 致女儿:从她来到人世间的一刹那,就注定了我们的缘分从此开始。我承诺,我要给她一个品质的家,在那里,有温馨,更有爱。To HER – My daughterThe moment she came to the world,the destiny bound us together ever since.I promise, to give her the quality home,where there is warmth, there is love.二.品牌形象 About the Brand1.关于华樳壹品 About BEST HOME华樳壹品,让您远离‘七宗罪’,与您携手给她一个品质的家!BEST HOME, say goodbye to the seven cases, build a quality home for her.华樳壹品装饰 · 香港,引入最新互联网家装理念与国际先进装饰设计理念,致力于引领品质家庭世界风潮,为国内与国际友人打造一个品质的家的同时,线上与线下360°全方位提升用户体验度与满意度。线上,华樳壹品一改传统装修存在的问题,通过去中介化,去渠道化与标准化,优化并整合装修产业链,颠覆传统装修的用户体验,让装修变得简单,透明,精致,引领品质家庭世界风潮。线下,华樳壹品体验店时刻准备着,从您踏入体验店的那一刻开始,我们就将让您体验到家一样的关怀与服务。BEST HOME · Hong Kong, bring in the latest internet concept of home decoration and international advanced decorative design concept , is dedicated in leading the world trends of quality home. While it is creating the quality home for both domestic and international friends, online and offline it is also 360° full range enhancing the users’experience and satisfaction.Online, by means of standardization, optimization and integration of the decoration industry chain, BEST HOME devotes itself to eliminating the existing problems and subverting the users’ experience of the traditional decoration, to make the home decoration more transparent and delicate.Offline, BEST HOME has its store already, and is always ready for you. Since the moment you step into the stor


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