基于附加时间效用的休假排队顾客决策分析 - 计算机科学.pdf

基于附加时间效用的休假排队顾客决策分析 - 计算机科学.pdf

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基于附加时间效用的休假排队顾客决策分析 - 计算机科学

Vo 1. 43 No. 6A 第 43 卷第6A 期 计算机科学 2016 年 6 月 Computer Science June 2016 基于附加时间效用的休假排队顾客决策分析 王晓1 李继红2 (晋中学院 榆次 030600)1 (山西大学经济管理学院 太原 030006)2 摘 要 在休假排队服务系统中引入了附加时间效应,瓜、顾客决策角度得到了个体均衡和社会最优两种情形下的顾 客均衡进入概率,并对比了两种概率的关系,结果说明服务系统中只关注个人利益往往会造成机构更大的拥塞,影响 整体社会效益。为使个体利益和社会最优平衡,从事前(服务前)收费的角度获得了顾客的固定进入费用,并基于事后 (服务后)收费的原则提出了 3 种可变进入费用,以保证机构以不同的方式合理定价收费。 关键词 休假排队,附加时间,进入概率,社会最优,事后费用 中图法分类号 0226 文献标识码 A Decision Analysis of Customers in Vacation Queueing Systems ßased on Additive Time Effects WANG Xiao 1 LI Ji-hon i (Jinzhong University ,Yuci 030600 ,China) 1 (College of Economic and Management ,Shanxi University ,Taiyuan 030006 ,China) 2 Abstract In this paper ,the additive time effect was introduced into the vacation queueing systern. From the view of cus- tomers decision ,two entry probabilities in the equilibrium and social optimality are obtained to present the relationship between two probabilities which shows that more concems to personal benefit will induce to a heavier system load and affect the social benefits. To parallel personal and social benefits ,the fixed entry fee is given based on the ex-ante exter nalities and three variable entry fees are presented from the view of ex-post extemalities to enable the different compa- nies to apply different fee mechanisms. Keywords Vacation queue ,Additive time ,Entry probabilities , Social optimality , Ex-post fee 进入还是离开系统的博弈问题,得到了均衡策略和社会最优 引言 策略。 Economou 和Kanta[2] , Economou 和Kanta[3] , Haviv[4]



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