第七讲6 晶体硅太阳电池-6.ppt

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* 严重问题: 在大型的光伏阵列中,效率较低的电池将从其它所有的电池上吸收功率而引起发热,形成热点! * 解决方法—旁路二极管 一个旁路二极管与一个电池并联 (当总电流超过电池的IL时,旁路二极管导通) * 实际上,将每个电池配备一个旁路二极管会过于昂贵,所以二极管通常会连接于一组电池的两端。 一组串联电池两端的旁路二极管 并联组件中的旁路二极管 * 使用阻塞二极管确保组件中的电流单向流动,保证电流只能从组件中流出,例如,可以防止夜间时蓄电池对太阳电池放电。 * 5 模块组装 强化玻璃;在太阳电池的正反面,各有一层保护层,通常为高分子塑料,防止水汽腐蚀;真空封装。 * 标准太阳电池模组的截面示意图 * END * 使用不锈钢丝网的特点: 丝径细、目数多,耐磨性好,强度高,尺寸稳定,拉伸性小; 浆料通过性能好; 浆料沉积厚度较易控制; 适用于太阳能电池浆料的印刷。 * 不锈钢丝网印刷基本流程 Close up of a screen used for printing the front contact of a solar cell. During printing, metal paste is forced through the wire mesh in unmasked areas. The size of the wire mesh determines the minimum width of the fingers. Finger widths are typically 100 to 200 μm. Close up of a finished screen-printed solar cell. The fingers have a spacing of approximately 3 mm. An extra metal contact strip is soldered to the busbar during encapsulation to lower the cell series resistance. Front view of a completed screen-printed solar cell. As the cell is manufactured from a multicrystalline substrate, the different grain orientations can be clearly seen. The square shape of a multicrystalline substrate simplifies the packing of cells into a module. * 6 背面电极网印(Back Contact Print) 通常也采用网印技术来制造,与正面电极的不同点在于,金属膏成分同时含有银粉和铝粉。这是因为银粉本身无法与P型硅形成欧姆接触,而铝虽然可与P型硅形成欧姆接触,但焊接性差,必须两者混合使用。 虽然一整层连续的背面电极的电阻较小,但生产中习惯采用正面电极般的网状结构。因为一整层连续的背面电极会因为不同的热膨胀系数,而使得晶片在高温处理时发生弯曲变形。 Rear view of a finished screen-printed solar cell. The cell have a grid from a single print of Al/Ag paste with no BSF, The cell have a coverage of aluminium that gives a BSF but requires a second print for solderable contacts. * 高效率太阳电池 PERL太阳电池 Passivated Emitter with Rear Locally diffused cell * Electron microscope image of the top surface of a PERL Cell showing a broken electroplated finger. * 高效率太阳电池 激光刻槽埋栅太阳电池 (Laser Grooved, Buried Contact Solar Cell ) Cross-section of Laser Grooved, Buried Contact Solar Cell. Cross section of a partially plated laser groove * 激光刻槽埋栅电池的制造工艺如下: 表面制绒 表面磷扩


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