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不规则抗体鉴定、Rh血型分型及输血安全[摘要] 目的:医院输血科开展不规则抗体鉴定和Rh血型分型。方法:选择我院3例住院患者,对其常规检测ABO血型、RhD血型和不规则抗体筛查后交叉配血不合,通过不规则抗体鉴定和Rh血型分型,找到与患者同型或配合型的供者血液。结果:患者与同型或配合型供者血液交叉配血相合,输注后无不良输血反应,Hb升至应有水平,改善了贫血症状,输血效果理想。结论:医院输血科除检测常规项目外,需要开展不规则抗体鉴定和Rh血型分型,选择与患者同型或配合型的供者血液,达到及时输血和安全输血的目的。 [关键词] 不规则抗体鉴定;Rh血型分型;输血;安全 [中图分类号]R457.1 [文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1673-7210(2009)08(b)-150-02 Identification of irregular antibodies, Rh blood group typing and blood transfusion safety CHEN Baoyou1, WU Guangyuan1, WANG Dengfeng2 (1.Puyang People’s Hospital of He’nan Province, Puyang 457000, China; 2.Puyang Central Blood Bank of He’nan Province, Puyang 457000, China) [Abstract] Objective: To develop the identification of irregular antibodies and Rh blood group typing in blood transfusion section of hospital. Methods: 3 cases of patients in our hospital were selected and routinely tested the ABO blood group, RhD blood type and irregular antibody screening of blood after the cross with the short term, and found the blood of donor with the same type for blood by the identification of irregular antibodies and Rh blood type. Results: Patients with the same type or with the type of donor blood matched the blood through matching, and no adverse reaction was occurred after blood transfusion, Hb level was increased to improve the symptoms of anemia, blood transfusion results were satisfactory. Conclusion: Besides the detection of conventional projects in hospital blood transfusion section, the identification of irregular antibodies and Rh blood group typing should also be developed, select the blood of donors with the same type of patients, in order to achieve a timely and safe blood transfusion. [Key words] Identification of irregular antibodies; Rh blood group typing; Blood transfusion; Security Rh血型抗原从理论上讲应当有D、C、E、d、c、e 6种,由于没有发现抗-d,因此也未肯定d抗原,被检红细胞与发现的5种抗体,即抗-C、抗-c、抗-D、抗-E、抗-e凝聚与否,分为CcDEe、CCDee等18种不同的Rh血型,称为Rh血型分型。近年来,Rh血型抗体引起的输血反应常有报道,已引起关注。Rh抗体的产生主要是由于Rh血型不合的输血和妊娠。为了避免Rh抗体的产生和Rh引起的输血反应,有效途径之一是要做好Rh血型分型和R


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