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三种静脉输注方法在短期TPN患者中应用效果比较[摘要] 目的 探讨3种静脉输注方法在短期TPN患者中的应用效果。方法 将186例短期TPN支持患者随机分为普通针组(62例)、静脉留置针组(62例)、非留置静脉留置针组(62例),分别进行TPN静脉营养液输注,普通针组采用7号普通金属针,非留置静脉留置针组2.2mm直型留置针,输注营养液后不保留输液针,留置针组采用2.2mm安全型留置针,保留输液留置针。比较3组患者静脉炎、药物外渗发生率。结果 非留置针组静脉炎发生率低于留置针组(P<0.05)。非留置针组输液部位渗漏发生率低于留置针组及普通针组 (P<0.05);而药物外渗发生率低于普通针,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 非留置针应用于短期TPN输液安全有效,对于血管条件较差或未行深静脉置管的短期TPN支持患者可选择应用。 [关键词] 静脉留置针;全静脉营养;静脉炎;渗漏 [中图分类号] R472 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)31-108-02 Comparison of Three Intravenous Transfusion on Patients with Short-term Total Parenteral Nutrition PAN Yingbo Department of Five Sensory Organs,Zhoushan Hospital in Zhejiang Province,Zhoushan 316000,China [Abstract] Objective To investigate the applied effect of three intravenous transfusion on patients with short-term total parenteral nutrition. Methods All 186 cases of patients with total parenteral nutrition(TPN) were randomly divided into general transfusion needle group(n=62),vein detained needle group(n=62),no-detained vein detained needle group(n=62). All patients received TPN,7 stand metallic needle was used in general transfusion needle group, rectus vein detained needle in 2.2mm stand was used in no-detained vein detained needle group,the needle was withdraw when transfusion was over. Safe vein detained needle in 2.2mm stand were used in vein detained needle groups,the needle wase detained when transfusion was over. Incidence rate of phlebophlogosis and medicamentous percolation were contrasted. Results Incidence rate of phlebophlogosis was lower in no-detained vein detained needle group than in vein detained needle group(P<0.05),and incidence rate of medicamentous percolation was lower in no-detained vein detained needle group than in vein detained needle group and general transfusion needle group(P<0.05). Conclusion No-detained vein detained needle is safe and effective in short-term total parenteral nutrition,which could be selected when vascular state is bad or central venous catheter dont se


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