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对某地区3058名女教师妇科疾病普查情况研究[摘要] 目的:探讨所属地区内女性教师妇科疾病的发病规律及发病情况,为预防和治疗提供依据。方法:对区域内128所学校女教师进行全面的妇科疾病普查,所有体检操作均由同一体检组人员完成。结果:3 058名女教师中检出患病者1 479例,占48.4%, 有多人同时患两种以上的疾病。其中,宫颈炎822例,阴道炎498例,附件炎130例,附件良性包块8例,子宫肌瘤13例,乳腺病300例,乳腺癌1例。结论:加强卫生宣传教育、重视妇女保健、改善卫生环境是降低妇科发病率的根本保证,定期进行体格检查是早期发现妇科疾病和提高妇女健康水平的重要措施。 [关键词] 妇科疾病;普查 [中图分类号]R271.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)10(b)-084-02 Analysis on gynecologic disease of feminine teachers in some regions (3 058 cases) WANG Ya-qin (Hai′an Infirmary in the Town of Hai′an County, Jiangsu Province, Hai′an 226600,China) [Abstract] Objective: To investigate situation of gynecologic disease of feminine teachers in the areas and give a clue to prevention and therapy for such diseases. Methods: All feminine teachers in 128 schools were examined and all these things were completed by medical personal in the same group. Results: There were 1 479 cases in all 3 058 feminine teachers, which percentage was 48.4%. And moreover, many of them have two or more kinds of diseases. The disease category was distributing in cervicitis (822 cases), vaginitis (498 cases), adnexitis (130 cases), adnexal benign masses (8 cases), uterus neoplasms (13 cases), mammary disease(300 cases) and breast cancer(1 case), respectively. Conclusion: Enhancement of hygiene drumbeating and education, attach importance to feminine health care and meliorate hygiene and environment will reduce incidence of feminine disease. Periodical feminine medical checkup for them will be another important step in finding and preventing from feminine disease and improve their health. [Key words] Gynecologic disease; General investigation 为了更好地做好所属地区女教师妇科疾病的预防和治疗工作,提高教师的健康水平,了解女教师妇科病发病情况,我们受教育工会的委托,于2007年4月,利用1个月的时间,集中人力对所属地区128所中、小学及幼儿园女教师进行了全面的妇科疾病的普查,现将情况报道如下: 1资料与方法 1.1一般资料 所有受检者均来自我县128所中、小学校和幼儿园,包括离退休老教师,共3 058名。年龄小于20岁者1例(0.6%),21~30岁494例(16.1%),31~40岁784例(25.8%),41~50岁602例(23.0%),51~60岁595例(19.4%),61岁以上462例(15.1%)。3 058例受检者中,已婚者2 784人,占91.04%;未婚274人,占8.96%。 1.


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