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影响突聋疗效相关因素研究[摘要] 目的:探讨突聋的发病时间、年龄及眩晕对疗效的影响。方法:收集听力损失程度不同、病程长短不同、发病年龄不同及伴随有无眩晕的突聋患者150例,采用以前列腺素E1为主药,以扩血管、神经营养药为辅助治疗,观察上述因素与疗效关系,治疗前后行听力学检查对照。结果:病程小于2周内就治的轻中重度耳聋患者其有效率达97.22%;起病大于3个月就治者,其有效率为58.33%。从年龄看45岁之内者有效率为91.91%;46~60岁者有效率为85.36%;大于60岁以上者有效率75.00%。伴随症状看,伴有眩晕者有效率60.86%;不伴眩晕者有效率94.48%。结论:突聋的疗效与治疗时间成正比应越早疗效越好、反之越差;以中青年发病者治疗效果佳,伴眩晕的疗效差,不伴眩晕的疗效好。 [关键词] 突聋;相关因素;疗效 [中图分类号] R764.43[文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)10(a)-037-03 The analysis of effect and influence factors on sudden sensorineural hearing loss ZOU Yuan-bin; HUANG Jian-nan; LIU Qing-hao; ZHENG Ming-fen; LIU Ling-zhong; PENG Shu-zhi (Department of Otorhinolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, Second People’s Hospital of Guangdong,Guangzhou510317, China) [Abstract] Objective:To study the influence of related factors on therapeutic effect of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL), including the time of attack, age of patients, vertigo accompanied or not. Methods:One hundred-fifty patients were collected, who are different in the degree of hearing-loss, course of disease and age of attack. All patients received treatment with PG-E1, applied by vasodilating medicines and neurotrophic medicines simultaneously. Relationships between these factors above-mentioned and therapeutic effect were analyzed, according to the results of audiology made before and after therapy. Results:The effective rate in patients whose course of disease is less than 2 weeks and exceed 3 month was 97.22% and 58.33%, respectively. Effective rate of different age including within 45, 46~60, above 60~years was 91.91%, 85.36%, 75.00% respectively. Effective rate of patients accompanied with vertigo or not was 60.86% or 94.48%. Conclusion:Therapeutic effect and time of therapy have a direct-ratio relationship. More early accepted therapy, more better is the effect. Young and middle age patients have better effect. The effect of patients without vertigo is better than that with vertigo. [Key words] Idiopathic sudden


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