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Florence is a city in the middle of Italy, alias Firenze.It located in the Western Piedmont basin which in the middle part of the Apennines .Florence was famous of art crafts and textiles in Europe ,and it was the most celebrated art center of Europe in fifteenth to sixteenth century.It was the birthplace of the European Renaissance and world-famous cultural tourist attraction. Glassware, ceramics, clothing, leather were the dominant factors of industry. Processing of gold and silver, art reproduction, and other crafts were also very famous. Florence International Biennale of Contemporary Art, along with Venice Biennial, Milan Triennale form the three art exhibitions of Italy. 佛罗伦萨是意大利中部的一个城市,别名翡冷翠。位于亚平宁山脉中段西麓盆地中。十五至十六世纪时佛罗伦萨是欧洲最著名的艺术中心,以美术工艺品和纺织品驰名全欧。欧洲文艺复兴运动的发祥地,举世闻名的文化旅游胜地。工业以玻璃器皿、陶瓷、高级服装、皮革为主。金银加工、艺术复制品等工艺品亦很有名。佛罗伦萨国际当代艺术双年展,与威尼斯双年展、米兰三年展并称意大利三大艺术展。 Florence, considered to be the birthplace of the Renaissance, was the capital of Italy after its unification from 1865 to 1871.As the historic center, Florence attracted millions of tourists each year. It was declared as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982. 佛罗伦萨被认为是文艺复兴运动的诞生地,从1865到1871年曾一度是意大利统一后的首都。佛罗伦萨做为历史中心每年都吸引数以万计的游客。在1982年被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界文化遗产。 In Florence,everything is art,no matter eat,sleep, even breath. Models of mans artistic genius almost stand on every street. Crowds of museums and art shops are waiting for your exploring. Florence of Italy, is the paradise of art lovers. 在佛罗伦萨这个城市里,吃的、睡的、和呼吸的都是艺术。人类艺术天赋的典范几乎矗立在每一条街上,成群的博物馆和美工艺品店等待着您去探索。意大利的佛罗伦萨是艺术爱好者的天堂。 During the Renaissance (or Rebirth of art), Florence was the heaven for artists. In fact, the Renaissance gained fame and fortune here more than 500 years ago.Until this point, art works were focused completely on religious subjects. Then, the art took on an infinite variety of form. Not only ordinary people, but also the history and characters from Greek and Roman myths be painted by artists . 在文艺复兴时期(或称艺术重生时期),佛罗伦萨对艺术家们本身就是


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