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2.azygos v. 奇静脉、 hemiazygos v 半奇静脉 (3).The common iliac vein 髂总静脉 It is composed by the junction of the external and internal iliac veins in front of sacroiliac joint, and collects the blood from the pelvis and the lower limbs由髂外和髂内静脉汇合而成. 收集盆部和下肢的静脉血 上肢浅静脉 * 静脉 1、起于毛细血管Capilaris,止于右心房. 2.Have a thinner wall and a larger diameter than their corresponding arteries 壁薄、腔大。 4.属支多,吻合丰富---Form venous plexus and venous rete静脉网、静脉丛。 6.特殊静脉:硬脑膜窦sinuses of dura mater,板障静脉diploic veins。 5、有浅、深静脉之分。 superficial vein 浅静脉:又称皮下 静脉, 不与动脉伴行 ,注入深静脉。 deep vein 深静脉:大多与同名动脉伴 行,中等动脉常有与两条静脉伴行。 3. Have venous valves which prevent reflux of blood 有瓣膜. Characteristic of veins静脉的特点 一、肺循环的静脉: pulmonary veins 肺静脉: right superior pulmonary veins右上肺静脉 right inferior pulmonary veins右下肺静脉 Left superior pulmonary veins左上肺静脉 Left inferior pulmonary veins左下肺静脉 left atrium 左心房 全身的静脉可分为肺循环和体循环的静脉。 1.??? Cardiac vein system 心静脉系 Superior vena cava system 上腔静脉系 Inferior vena cava system 下腔静脉系 (hepatic portal system 门静脉系) 二、 The systemic veins 体循环的静脉: The composition of systemic veins It collect the blood from the head ,the neck ,the upper limbs,the thorcic wall and a portion of the organs within thorax 收集头颈、上肢、胸壁及部分胸腔器官的静脉血(上半身)。 A. formation 合成: It is formed by the junction of the two brachiocephalic veins 左右 头臂静脉汇合而成。 B.The scope of collection 收纳范围: 1. superior vena cava 上腔静脉 (一)superior vena cava system 上腔静脉系 The angle of the union of the internal jugular vein and subclavicular vein is called Venous angle 静脉角 internal jugular vein 颈内静脉 subclavian vein 锁骨下静脉 Formation合成: 4. The branchiocephalic veins 头臂静脉 颅内属支:收集硬脑膜窦 的静脉血 颅外属支 2、属支 面静脉 Retrmandibular Vein 下颌后静脉 舌静脉 甲状腺上静脉 甲状腺中静脉


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