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第15 卷第5 期 2000 年9 月 Vol. 15 No . 5 CON TR OL A N D DE CI S I ON Sept. 2000 LMI * 谢振华 范训礼 曲建岭 王 磊 耿昌茂 ( 26604 1) ( ) ( ) 针对 - 模糊模型, 提出同时满足稳定条件和控制受约束的模糊控制器的线性矩 不等式设 T S 计方法。将稳定性及控制约束转化为满足Lyapunov 稳定的凸优化问题, 并提出了基于LMI 的模糊系统 控制器设计和稳定性分析的系统框架。倒立摆的模糊控制器设计实例表明了设计方法的有效性。 T-S 模糊模型, 线性矩 不等式, Lyapunov 稳定, 模糊控制器设计 1 TP Fuzzy Controller Design via LMI Approach X ie Zhenhua Fan X unli , Qu J ianling , W ang L ei Geng Chang mao ( Navy Aviat ion Engineering College) ( Northw estern Polytechnical U niversity) ( Navy Aviation Engineering College) AbstractA system framew ork of fuzzy controller design and stability analysis of closed-loop T-S fuzzy ( ) . syst ems via linear matrix inequality LM I is present ed The stable conditions are reduced t o t he . problem of finding a Lyapunov function for a set of LM Is T he problem of constraints on the control input can also be solved by convex programming techniques for LMIs. The example for a fuzzy cont roller of the inverted pendulum demonstrates the efficiency of t his approach. - , , , Key words Takagi Sugeno fuzzy model linear matrix inequalit y Lyapunov stability fuzzy cont roller design [ 6] 1引  言 [ 7] [ 1, ] LM I P ; [ 2] H LMI


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