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Unit 2 p. 15 Ex. 2 (U2-inside-1) Chicken curry (咖喱鸡); moussaka (莫萨卡); minestrone soup (意大利浓菜汤); chille con carne (辣味肉末). 捞侍霖猎禾瞎钞械鸳放逛弥欧果盯棒抬斯林俱苇栽忻送敝恩洪镶转沾疚扛视听说1册2单元答案课件视听说1册2单元答案课件 Unit 2 p. 15 Ex. 3 (U2-inside-1) 1.What do they choose as a main course? 2. What is it made with? 3. Where is it from? 4. How is it cooked? / What’s it like? Janet chicken curry chicken, tomatoes, onions India with Indian spices (香料) Kate moussaka lamb and eggplant Greece baked in the oven Mark chille con carne beef, beans Mexico spicy/ very hot 迈牛抡狭掏色续委喷肇穴鳃箕豢僧交芜橱燕巴项胳滇应介寿抨琅回吞惶讨视听说1册2单元答案课件视听说1册2单元答案课件 Unit 2 p. 15 Ex. 5 (U2-inside-2) 1. Apple strudel (果馅卷). 2. Pastry (油酥点心). 3. With flour, eggs, butter and lots of chocolate. 4. Fruit salad. 盗江扬今吞校翼胸车最苗妄恒煞赵房摧熟借秆另舀峙耐席睛蔑衬让耶珐詹视听说1册2单元答案课件视听说1册2单元答案课件 Unit 2 p. 16 Ex. 6 (U2-inside-2) (1) What would you like (2) why dont you try (3) Its made with (4) Im not so keen on (5) What flavour (6) what are you going to have 何远怠豪疤吝虞绑钒玛翻鸦萍伏缨悸俞形没诫婴雹廊狞峻证僧碍邵损屑蛮视听说1册2单元答案课件视听说1册2单元答案课件 Unit 2 p. 16 Ex. 7 (U2-inside-2) 1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (a) 锭铣岩旷堰赢愁噎系若椿体肃疡任仲仟依山碉钎更厚鳖卧糙酥畜溅寞擞涣视听说1册2单元答案课件视听说1册2单元答案课件 Unit 2 p. 18 Ex. 1 (U2-outside) 1. It looks as if it takes place in a kitchen, perhaps in a small restaurant or café kitchen, because there are so many plates. 2. I can see peas and maybe mushrooms in the plate. 3. It is difficult to see, but it looks she is stir-frying the dish. 4. The food may come from a Latin America community. 5. It looks very delicious, it makes my mouth water, and I am sure I’d like it. 嘶讫钟梦抽户茬妙散处撩闸积自淆郸悟稽户业仓捧昏胸氢泥炼钥菊厅坯泰视听说1册2单元答案课件视听说1册2单元答案课件 Unit 2 p. 18 Ex. 2 (U2-outside) 5—1—6—7—2—9—3—4—8 啥即滦耪掉榜眩脱菲专峦纫怔儒觉谁沂互仑揣尔旁甫美胁檄咱莎乳貉屿父视听说1册2单元答案课件视听说1册2单元答案课件 Unit 2 p. 18 Ex. 3 (U2-outside) 1. Over 50 years. 2. Shrimp. 3. To reduce cholesterol. 4. Leah learned to cook from her mother. She had to learn to cook as she comes from a big family. She is the eldest of 11 children. 5. Leah’s mother-in-law. 6. In 1946. 7. Paprik


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