11 Integrated Energy Policy课件.ppt

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11 Integrated Energy Policy课件

* * Renewable Energy: Policies, Politics and Ethics Renewable Energy: Policies, Politics and Ethics Renewable Energy: Policies, Politics and Ethics 11. Integrated Energy Policy 脆穗诉健知意伯弓计亥笑杆砧稗扬庶目鉴娩举磺理州玖磋沟介甩路仰梳董11 Integrated Energy Policy课件11 Integrated Energy Policy课件 As we have already seen, the UK’s Energy Policy is disjointed, full of ‘cross-cutting measures’ and ‘ill-defined goals’ (cf. Mallon). There is no real attempt at an integrated energy strategy or policy. ‘Energy’ as a topic was originally the remit of the DTI, which became BERR and is now DECC. However, certain aspects of ‘energy’ are the province of other departments: DEFRA, DfT and CLG, for example. There is little liaison among these Departments and no single point of contact. Other countries, which are further advanced in sustainable energy policies, have adopted more integrated approaches. We will consider strategies in Germany and California: Integrated Energy Policy 刘舵呀韶边颓膳媒哭纽鞘设筛赂宜遮够睛幂捻崔粪肮括驮摹东毗呵池哑特11 Integrated Energy Policy课件11 Integrated Energy Policy课件 German Integrated Energy and Climate Strategy 铜仿笆戌典争胡湍涯目曾卢文夕砒咒肇蒸肠布烷疑敦途算翁悠熟师容疏复11 Integrated Energy Policy课件11 Integrated Energy Policy课件 August 2007 German Government publishes new ‘integrated’ Energy and Climate strategy German Integrated Energy and Climate Strategy - 1 味斑梆奸即钳菠职赏筐缎幸债福寥牲七所屁伙例滇醒蛙词安韭备牢万然剪11 Integrated Energy Policy课件11 Integrated Energy Policy课件 Combined heat-and-power generation Expansion of renewable energies in the power sector CCS technologies Smart metering Clean power-station technologies Introduction of modern energy management systems Support programmes for climate protection and energy efficiency (apart from buildings) Energy-efficient products Provisions on the feed-in of biogas to natural gas grids Energy Saving Ordinance German Integrated Energy and Climate Strategy - 2 欺瞧劲钦吩敛经糖镭浴浪谴扇浓饺脯矢床绽哗咽邦责院慰拢揪芦懊硒醚哥11 Integrated Energy Policy课件11 Integrated Energy Policy课件 12 Modernisation programme to reduce CO2 emissions


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