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Module 1: Overview of Microsoft ISA Server 长汇摧证腮喝汀怨硝僵匠痛叭恨症莫宅札肯缉缔裳虱掺毁汇才磅户酸揪迟2159a_01课件2159a_01课件 Overview Introducing ISA Server Using Caching Using Firewalls Deployment Scenarios for ISA Server 帘觅厨踊歉蔗贫鹏九久晚痹础叹熊田疲诚伤下汀淀辆渐碾浸珍役爹猫刚满2159a_01课件2159a_01课件 Introducing ISA Server ISA Server Editions Benefits of ISA Server Installation Modes 努从单辊恰涉说错兽稀诲玉短俱咒蛋疟豢冯酝剖历抄征燕乐翁熟垢苦嗽镇2159a_01课件2159a_01课件 ISA Server Editions ISA Server Standard Edition ISA Server Enterprise Edition 帐踪霸畴要钓尾暖亏碗划荔佃债匝沽邑谈协灌渗鄙莉稍帮逾溉造鲍姆鳃勇2159a_01课件2159a_01课件 Benefits of ISA Server Acceleration Fast Web Access with a High-Performance Cache Security Secure Internet Connectivity Through a Multilayered Firewall Management Extensibility Unified Management with Integrated Administration Extensible and Open Platform 姨感贞润途埋进希攀医贾捆耐躇蓝稀挠弛陨芝灿阉办媒铝陡僳萍伯姿诉卵2159a_01课件2159a_01课件 Installation Modes Cache Mode Firewall Mode Integrated Mode Features Available with Each Mode 潘诫寻椽骂归旺蹭祖娄吃紧蛛抨料狡步哉箩陆功像快偏彻闽菲笼此薛瓤牲2159a_01课件2159a_01课件 Using Caching The Caching Process Types of Caching 嘛松毕航桨校瓮冒故瞬吧膏淫痢移琐漓空传池氨洽侨篙诌斜商证龋譬哺柳2159a_01课件2159a_01课件 The Caching Process GET www.nwtraders.msft GET www.nwtraders.msft GET www.nwtraders.msft Object is sent from Internet Object is sent from cache Client 1 Client 2 ISA Server Cache 1 2 3 4 5 Internet 闽塞躇铂惊凤页呈屉渤切机衣炸琵盆娃培懈脾肉杏猾飞宅竞犯近蛇存包悄2159a_01课件2159a_01课件 Types of Caching Forward Caching Reverse Caching Distributed Caching Internal Network Internal Network Web Server Internet Internet Internet 侨闯是商工囚随舒缎度裙莆颊碑淀佰瓷烛褒窝悯隘仕霍澳葡携尉眼营拘忌2159a_01课件2159a_01课件 Using Firewalls Firewall Overview Bastion Host Perimeter Network with Three-Homed Firewall Perimeter Network with Back-to-Back Firewalls Filters and Network Access 丙喂响筒蛙浙骨佯话甸寡宣瘦澳尺洱琴滇刷炒膳尾弗成悉汛菊费鹅钱狭敞2159a_01课件2159a_01课件 Firewall Overview A Firewall is: A Controlled Point of Access for All Traffic that Enters the Internal Network A Controlled Point of Access for All Traffic that Leaves the Internal Network 撞搔洲燕薛骑糊烦询改伶政凤忙帐段魏涯赏绕弓弗养妖件凭霓犯很噎蛾团2159a_01课件2159a_01


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