Chapter8 GPS课件.ppt

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Chapter8 GPS课件

Chapter 8 Global Positioning System 全球定位系统(GPS)是20世纪70年代由美国陆海空三军联合研制的新一代空间卫星导航定位系统 。其主要目的是为陆、海、空三大领域提供实时、 全天候和全球性的导航服务,并用于情报收集、核爆监测和应急通讯等一些军事目的,是美国独霸全球战略的重要组成。经过20余年的研究实验,耗资300亿美元,到1994年3月,全球覆盖率高达98%的24颗GPS卫星星座己布设完成。 2 The Three Segments of GPS The NAVSTAR system (the acronym for Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging, the official U.S. Department of Defense name for GPS) consists of a space segment (the satellites), a control segment (the ground station), and a user segment (you and your GPS receiver). (1) the space segment The space segment, which consists of 24 satellites (21 active plus 3 operating spares), is the heart of the system. The satellites are in what’s called a “high orbit ”about 12,000 miles above the Earth’s surface. Operating at such a high altitude allows the signals to cover a great area. The satellites are arranged in their orbits so a GPS receiver on earth can always receiver from at least four of them at any given time. The satellites are traveling at speeds of 7,000 miles an hour, which allows them to circle the earth once every 12 hours. They are powered by solar energy and are built to last about 10 years. If the solar energy fails (eclipses, etc.), they have backup batteries on board to keep them running. They also have small rockets boosters on board to keep them flying in the correct path. The “control” segment does what its name implies—it “controls” the GPS satellites by tracking them and then providing them with corrected orbital and clock (time) information. There are five control stations located around the world (Hawaii and Kwajalein in the Pacific Ocean; Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean; Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean; and Colorado Springs, Colorado)—one “master control station” and four unmanned monitoring stations. The four unmanned receiving stations constantly receive data from the satellites and then send that information to the master control station. The master control station at


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