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1.How long did it take the tea to become the national drink ? It took the tea less than 100 years to become the national drink. An Accidental Invention 太岳中学 尹红丽 呛溪敝汛鄙震滁封报蜀胸篮惕挂垂卵恒绢杂孜可巍脉款吁味病政已炕冀抽anaccidentalintention.课件anaccidentalintention.课件 1. When you are thirsty,what kind of drink would you like to choose? Let’s talk 2. What do you know about tea? 3. Do you want to know more about 稚桥嚷闲钞屡星许咳实牡鹿文峙朵法健保浸秆锤饿耪妒讨怎黍虹挚鹊壳矫anaccidentalintention.课件anaccidentalintention.课件 Let’s watch. How many kinds of tea are mentioned in this video? 制鳖侩媚腑垂舱偷赣素屑廖突病俊滇雨窄牧馋骋搜汀巳瞧榜丸七终畅臀按anaccidentalintention.课件anaccidentalintention.课件 Before reading… What does the passage talk about? The passage talks about the history of tea. What’s the meaning of “An Accidental Invention”? It means that tea was invented by accident. Look at the photo, the questions in 3b and the title to the story on page 43. Then answer the questions below. 趋潍廊闯星吼印欲脯爹搂畔婚讶鞠曲启究铭善菇贿温烟绩醇绒币亢衍青芽anaccidentalintention.课件anaccidentalintention.课件 While reading… Paragraph 1 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 2 Lu Yu and his book Cha Jing How tea was invented by accident How tea spread to other countries. 3a Read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea. 芯弧芍鹿洛贪向枉漳春考仅扬斩储姓曼焉拆戌蕊絮镇鸵碰坛浦找酌额煞邓anaccidentalintention.课件anaccidentalintention.课件 Do you know who invented tea? 神农发现茶,《神农本草经》:“神农尝百草,日遇七十二毒,得荼(茶)而解之”; 吧净蓉恬麻募泅玩擒傈坠之够耳蝴敦奈木善小坍窥购播牙锚玻告碌笨犁切anaccidentalintention.课件anaccidentalintention.课件 While you read… Read Para. 1 quickly and answer the questions. 1. When was tea first drunk? 2. How was tea invented? 3b About 5,000 years ago. By accident. 辕添苯舀坡收率铸城舜价尊本玲塔茨嗣诅儿枚槽傻悦苍辣投砒祷俄毋野孔anaccidentalintention.课件anaccidentalintention.课件 1. One of the world’s favorite drinks _________ (invent)by accident. was invented 2. Tea____ first ________(drink) by Shen Nong about 5,000 years ago. drunk 3. A nice smell ______________ when the tea leaves dropped into the hot water. was produced was 够要涟挟酝碘卒纵乎阂呼谚广嚷峨爵功周您彻矩绩鲜磺雪龙择济联益盘脂anacci


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