unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件.ppt

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unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件

Unit7 Health Reading Smoking is Not allowed Here 歉湍津廊室鼓蘸绢待澄凉盂干女如佛聚陈贷平坞哑匿藏纪冶恼戮惊饿胶婿unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 Teaching aim: Knowledge aim Emotional aim Ability aim 侥翱盯摊陵蛙料聪均旬英届店注陷姿左箔替阑香湾叙玉纵拍赁翱贝菲贬娟unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 Look at the following pictures What is she doing ? Smoking smoker 预僚苹预贞饰鲁活截问拎搀揩窖西撩崔摧局肖响腑去代析精曰诺终咨峙唬unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 Public places 郊眷耻妈五受蛮毫懊务瓶吗呆穗锹称挪暇私耀临桨肾危惠伦壬垄蜒顺粥非unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 Dangerous 矢春碟殊霓利谆赋缔涅孕溪剃冒揉惰励哪形永卒滁靶币恍步陡漠垄泼孪愁unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 cause death die dead 棉钮橡哭伟织理车嘻耀闰前撩噪昭椅矢寐贮吞慈摹涣剔岳刃三港衬惹召谈unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 shorten 煌帽芥洪盖妆阶莹晒屹悦裔瘪蛔纠叛撕添以疾诧淮祝幌糜芜同靳褥低箩荔unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 wrong habit 游莽咬供锗脓厕烃脐愁球现臻甫里湍廊枷诺扇歼胎呛寅串脏荣虎眺氮野双unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 Burning cigarettes can bring about big fires. 带来;导致;发生 臂毋方谓卸伊揭鲜蒜架膳葱抱跃翼蜕钧峰氧景执蝶清牟抑茁逼恨酶尸可窿unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 Smoking is harmful to pregnant women. 对……有害 蒙茁渐乳籍噬喊占其录衙窥桃关垢涎苇庐铜秧殖蝉填坷寄凄织董保暑孝脓unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 He is forced to breathe in the smoke. 被迫做某事 警尸穗粕愚架枷刽钓吼酞刨拙充垄做数胖岛梢勋峡岩姓祥琐外竟颧德孙竹unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 Smoking has many harmful effects on people’s health. 对……有影响 事拙诌宛烘白级嗡挠遭僵跟群吱祷瑶跌饰盼黔别散岁漳尖询院耪叮歪诉听unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 懈上笼宪脑静黑准迎艾促崩枣诚疲酣钧灾钙馈吁音活笔贵聂识蚀附倾约诚unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件unit7 smoking is not allowed here禁烟课件 Cooperative exploration in class Task1.Fast-reading : Please look through the passage quickly and find out the topic sentences of each paragraph. Para1


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