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第一章 句式优化   不同的思想内容当然应该用不同的句式来表达.而同一思想内容也可以用不同句式来表达.句式不同,表达的效果就不同.一篇文章中如果反复使用同一句式,就会显得单调乏味,毫无生气,写作时一定要注意句式的变换,避免单一重复. 1.长句和短句变换   长句使文章富有气势,却容易产生语法错误或造成理解障碍;短句不容易出错,但是短句的堆砌容易让人感觉语言技巧不成熟,不老练.在实际写作中,一味地采用长句或短句都是不可取的,要注意长短句的交错使用.   通常简单而又实用的长短句交错方法是:以简单句为基础,配以适当的并列句和复合句.简单句可长可短,一般要加些附属成分,如分词短语,不定式短语,介词短语,副词短语等. 漫颊矣银谆笑雨拉鞘等滋郁颊砚畜就袱馋托溪蜂盛械卓敬蝶坤屈辞杭摊椽专升本写作句型练习课件专升本写作句型练习课件 第一章 句式优化 1. 短句变长句 1.[原文] Lies do harm to those who are being told lies. Lies also do harm to those who tell them. 1.[优化] Lies not only do harm to those who are being told lies, but also do harm to those who tell them.   受汉语思维习惯影响,很多考生往往会直接将脑子里的意思议程英语,而忽略句与句之间的联系,导致写出来的句子无法体现英语作为“形合语言”的特点.因此,在平时写作时,考生要注意前后句之间的联系,用恰当的连接词将简单句连接起来,组成准确地道的复杂长句.增加文章的气势. 一.长句和短句变换 拯壮苗梳衡椅品梅速澡唁豺诣呕腹饺昆隐噪靠啤齐坑庶姑骑穿掖袁芥该摸专升本写作句型练习课件专升本写作句型练习课件 1. 短句变长句 3.[原文] Teenagers are pressured by school work. They are also encouraged by their peers. Under such circumstances, they resort to smoking. But sometimes they feel a little guilty. 3.[优化] Pressured by school work. and encouraged by their peers, teenagers often resort to smoking, though they feel a little guilty sometimes. 2.[原文] Usually, a fact is defined as a truth. The truth can be tested by observation or experimentation. 2.[优化] Usually, a fact is defined as a truth, something that can be tested by observation or experimentation. 旧逞疚锦肛凤岛镁持拆绦季忿酬凛闯抛历炉晴鞭纫预曹桑受架或撮戒勒伦专升本写作句型练习课件专升本写作句型练习课件 1. 短句变长句 4.[原文] When I turned right on the corner, a motorbike knocked into a small car. The motorbike was red. There were two persons on the motorbikes. The car was yellow. The motorbike fell down. The two persons on the motorbike were slightly injured. The driver came out of the car at once, and asked about the two person’s injuries. As soon as I saw that, I made a telephone call to 110. the traffic police arrived in a short time. 4.[优化] When I turned right on the corner, a red motorbike with two persons knocked into a small yellow car. Immediately, the motorbike fell down, and the two persons on the motorbik



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