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形容打破旧制的诗句 篇一:大学语文习题4 篇二:英国诗歌赏析 William Wordsworth ? What are the main features of Wordsworth’s poetry? ? back to nature ? deep love of nature ? appeal to individual sensations ? attention to humble folk of rural life ? simplicity and purity in language I travelled among unknown men 这首诗是采用民谣体创作的经典之作,浪漫主义产生了一定的促进作用。它的主题是诗人对露西和对祖国英格兰深深爱恋,意境凄美,感情真挚自然。 从韵律上看,这首诗的前三个诗节压的是行尾交叉韵(单数诗句四音部抑扬格,双数诗句三音部抑扬格交替转换),最后一诗节韵式为成对韵。 露西之死可以从诗的最后一句中——“露西,她最后一眼望见的”——可以看出,《露西》组诗的另外几首也可以作为旁证。露西死了,但是露西永远活在诗人心中,虽死犹生。露西是完美的,她死了,是因为现实中不存在这样完美的人。 lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey 赏析 It is in blank verse. One of the major themes of the poem is - people\#39;s change over time.The title is very clear and literary gives us all the necessary informations like, time, place, date etc. which helps us to understand the poem. Imagination also plays very important role here. His longing to return to this special place a few miles above Tintern Abbey which he absolutely adores. We can see he has been away from this place for five years, and he always thinks about this magical place with its steep lofty cliffs and its beautiful scenery. the poem is about nature and how the speaker revoke his memory when he was in that location. She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways 在韵律上,此诗采用谣曲形式(四音步抑扬格与三音步抑扬格相间押交韵),这些语言形式的特点也与诗中乡村姑娘的形象贴合得当,和谐统一。 描写的是一位普通的苏格兰少女。尽管她“美丽如星”,却生在“人迹罕至的乡野”,既得不到人的赞美,也得不到人的怜爱;更可惜的是,她小小年纪便默默无闻地死去了。诗中的感伤气氛和诗人哀怜的情绪, 正是这种至性深情的自然流露,使诗句充满感染力。 从艺术手法上看,此诗似无技巧,其实是浑然天成,不露痕迹。如果我们细细阅读,就可看出此诗处处暗含对比。第二小节则连用两个比喻来进行对比。第三小节则是生与死的对比,生不为人知,死亦不为人闻,这说明她的命运是多么可怜。 composed upon westminster bridge赏析 a sonnet describing London and the River Thames, viewed from Westminster Bridge in the early morning. the author describes the beauty and tranquility of the city of London in the early morning.there are no people in this particular poem. it is the people that make the London that we see in william Blakes quot;londonquot;. ? Wordsworth#39;s quot;Composed upon Westminster Bridgequot; can be close


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