引文分析存在的问题及其原因探究 - 教育技术通讯.pdf

引文分析存在的问题及其原因探究 - 教育技术通讯.pdf

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引文分析存在的问题及其原因探究 - 教育技术通讯

108 * 摘 要 , ( ) , , , ( ) , , 1 49 关键词 分类号 G 353. 21 AB STRA CT C itat ion analys is has becom e one of the m ain con tents in b ib liom et ics, bu t few study has focu sed on its p ob lem sT h e p ob lem s in citation ana ly sis and th ei causes a e summ ed up f om fou aspects in th is pape : the w eakn ess of citat ion theo y, th e def iciencies in th e p ocess of citat ion, the d aw back of the citation an aly sis m ethods and databases, and the lmi itat ion s in citat ion app licationsA t p esen t, w e should t eat citat ion analy s is w ith a caut ious attitud e, evaluate objectively the m ethod s and the esu lts ob tained, and then mi p ove it on the bas is of fu lly unde s tand ing its m e its and d e m e its 1 f ig49 efs K EY W ORDS C itation analy s is C itation analy s is theo y C itat ion an aly sis m ethod B ib liom et ics CLAS S NUM BER G 3532 1 16, , , , [ 1] 20 , , E G a f ield 1870 , , ( SC I) , , ( K essle , 1963) , , ( P ice, 1965) , ( Sm al,l 197 3) , (W h ite, 1998) 199 8 , W oS (W eb of Sc ience) , 1 20 90 , 1. 1 基础理论 , , 21, 20 , * 本文系教育部人文社科基金项目网络引文的相关规律及其应用研究( 编号: 09Y JC870027 ) 的研究成果 一 总第三七卷 第一九三期 Vo .l 37. N o. 19 3 : Y ang S iluo: T he P oblem s of C itation A nalys is and T hei Causes 109 1974 , , M u lkay[ 2] , W h ite , : , 1998 ; S cien tom etr ics, [ 5] M acR obe ts


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