Practical English Writing 1课件.ppt

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Practical English Writing 1课件

Practical English Writing;Introduction;考试方式/考试时间/考试题型 ;考试要求 通过课程的学习,学生应能够准确生动地使用适合各种实用文体的词汇,能够用灵活多变的句式进行表达,写出合乎语法规范、连贯通顺的句子 命题题型及各题型参考分值为:理论考核(20分)、实际能力考核(如便签、信函、通知等写作)(80分) ;课程内容 ;Teaching Model;Definition of practical English Writing;1. Readers should always come first :Readers determines the success of any piece of writing. If the readers miss the message, the writing will fail. 2. Keep in mind that the purpose of practical writing is to inform, instruct, or explain---make sure what is written should fit the reader’s understanding. 3. Practical writing is actually a technical job on paper, which requires discipline and strict adherence to a system.;Purpose;Appropriateness Accuracy;Features;Practicality;Reality;Certainty;Formality Informality;style;Formal and informal;Formal and informal;Formal and informal;Timeliness;;Principles of Practical writing;1. When the sales representatives completed their reports, the data were analyzed and a marketing plan was outlined by the head of each department. * * * * * * * * 2. When the sales representatives completed their reports, the head of each department analyzed the data and outlined a marketing plan. ;Element 1;Story 1. When a person was asked the time of day, he gave a short story of Swiss watch-making before telling what time it was. * * * * * Story 2. One day a fish dealer was planning a new signboard for his store. It was to read: Fresh Fish for Sale Here Today. A critical man, however, had some suggestions: ;Fresh Fish for Sale Here Today. Fresh Fish for Sale Today Fresh Fish Today Fish Today Fish Blank signboard. ↓ CONCISENESS;Redundancy (冗余) ----needless repetition;2. There have been good harvests in agriculture. → There have been good harvest . ( “harvest” implies agriculture; there are no harvest in industry) ;Redundant verbs;Redundant adjectives;Previously we used to ove


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