Regular and chaoticnuclear vibrations课件.ppt

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Regular and chaoticnuclear vibrations课件

Regular and chaotic nuclear vibrations (monodromy, bifurcations, regular islands…) ; ; ; ;Order / chaos defined most transparently on the classical level Important issue in nuclear physics – nuclear motions exhibit an interplay of regular and chaotic components even at low energies. What is the principal source of chaos? Lyapunov exponets (sensitivity of motions to initial conditions) Poincaré sections (organization of trajectories in the phase space);GCM classical Hamiltonian;GCM classical Hamiltonian;A=1, B=1.09, C=1;Motions near the potential minimum are always regular (oscillator approximation). At some “critical” energy chaos sets in. This happens approx. when the boundary of the accessible area in the x × y plane becomes partly concave:;Regular fraction;IBM classical limit;Consistent-Q Hamiltonian;SU(3);SU(3);O(6)-U(5) transition (χ=0);… the system is integrable !;R;R;R;O(6);U(5) limit;O(5) quantum number: seniority v;Transitional case;Transitional case;E=0;;Physicum Magia Maxima;APPENDICES;B=C=K=1;A=-0.842;Dependence of Freg on angular momentum;Phase-transitional region;Berry-Tabor trace formula (an analog of the Gutzwiller formula, but for 2D integrable systems);Bifurcations;Monodromy;汁嘎月睬谤菠囱垃饵通炎佑幻窥栗傍蜗谬绸酪巩褒公泰溺惧受磁灌灿知艾Regular and chaoticnuclear vibrations课件Regular and chaoticnuclear vibrations课件;袁痕比奔频雁砌急式凛沤涵咯推象骗掉铂穴博台端掀欣觉疫事芹噎郭溯冕Regular and chaoticnuclear vibrations课件Regular and chaoticnuclear vibrations课件;输漆巡钾孤帐淀峻磺滨磅玛皇轰熏捆俏惜循貌坪澜蜡氓隙屎荣淑闺科再同Regular and chaoticnuclear vibrations课件Regular and chaoticnuclear vibrations课件


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