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网线的正确接法是这样的(The correct way to connect a cable is this)
网线的正确接法是这样的(The correct way to connect a cable is this)
Now many people have computers, and send this document, let us know if the line.
In fact, we use the standard 568B cable connection is white and orange orange white green blue - white and blue - Green - white - brown brown real communication only four core, 1- 2 -3 -6 as long as you put the white orange orange white green green four sets of wires inserted into the corresponding slot. And communication, but the maximum 10M communication in our life is simply not up to 100M, a cable connected four crystal head approach is feasible...
Cable practice
If there is only one cable, but want to two machines at the same time access to the Internet, do not add peripherals, do network cable, 45 crystal head connection method
The crystal head metal faces itself, from left to right, 1-8 (white, orange, orange, white, green, blue, white, blue, green, white, brown, brown)
Wire netting
One, PC even HUB (computer connected Internet equipment)
A: (standard 568B): white, orange, orange, white, green, blue, white, blue, green, white, brown, brown.
B: (standard 568B): white, orange, orange, white, green, blue, white, blue, green, white, brown, brown.
Two, PC even PC (computer connection computer)
A: (568A): white, green, green, white, orange, blue, white, blue, orange, white, brown, brown;
B: (standard 568B): white, orange, orange, white, green, blue, white, blue, green, white, brown, brown.
Three, HUB even HUB (Internet equipment connected to Internet equipment)
A: (568A): white, green, green, white, orange, blue, white, blue, orange, white, brown, brown;
B: (568B): white, orange, orange, white, green, blue, white, blue, green, white, brown, brown.
5 or 5 Gigabit (including 6 lines) and net cable, twisted pair of the same form, is also divided into straight and cross two.
The straight line network has nothing to do with what we usually use. They are one-to-one correspondence.
But only the traditional Ethernet to 4 cab
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