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美国的基本礼仪(Basic etiquette in the United States)
美国的基本礼仪(Basic etiquette in the United States)
A little familiar with the Americans, you will find them still straightforward and lovely, like a big child. Americans themselves to the humorous people, if you scold him have neither learning nor skill for nothing, but he thought you were material and reputation of the tired, do not know the true meaning of life and pity you; but if you scold him idiotic without a sense of humor, he must have felt a pang of shame. Americans, young and old, men and women, never stop talking and talking to each other. They all aim for fun, and make the language environment easy. Sometimes you see a group of people laughing and joking. They think its an old friend at a party. In fact, they dont know each other for ten minutes.
One of the most important things about the American nation is its credibility (not all Americans are creditworthy, of course), because the economic and social status of the United States is based on the credibility of the individual. If you are in this area and he joked that he cheated, not honest, he will immediately turn -- Americans said it turned over face, no feelings at all.
body language
Use body language
After living with Americans for a while, youll notice that Americans talk very well. They pay attention to body language, especially eye contact, and the distance between the body.
We often Americans shake hands and kiss. American customs, the first time a man meets a woman, is a handshake, and a kiss is the body language between good friends. The way to kiss is between the same sex, the face touching each others face, and then kissing in the air; between the opposite sex, you can kiss each others cheeks. Parents kiss children, kiss children on the forehead and small face.
Smiling and eye contact are important in dealing with americans. Smiling eyes and greeting words mean the same thing in public. If a stranger comes across and smiles at you, you smile at him. He says Hi or hello. Its just a courtesy. It doe
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