室性期前收缩的临床意义(附157例分析)(Clinical significance of ventricular premature contraction (an analysis of 157 cases)).doc

室性期前收缩的临床意义(附157例分析)(Clinical significance of ventricular premature contraction (an analysis of 157 cases)).doc

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室性期前收缩的临床意义(附157例分析)(Clinical significance of ventricular premature contraction (an analysis of 157 cases))

室性期前收缩的临床意义(附157例分析)(Clinical significance of ventricular premature contraction (an analysis of 157 cases)) Clinical significance of ventricular premature contraction (an analysis of 157 cases) Update Date: 2011-04-26 Dou Zhaohui Ventricular premature contraction is a common arrhythmia that occurs in healthy people of all ages and in a variety of organic heart disease patients. The clinical diagnosis is functional or organic. We have collected 157 cases of ventricular pre systolic electrocardiogram, which suggest some characteristics and their relationship with heart disease, and provide a reference for clinical diagnosis. 1 data and methods Methods 157 patients with ventricular premature contractions diagnosed by resting routine 12 lead electrocardiogram were divided into 4 groups. First groups: heart disease mainly involving left ventricle. Including hypertensive heart disease, coronary heart disease, mitral regurgitation, aortic valve disease in 48 cases; the second group: heart disease mainly involving the right ventricle, including chronic pulmonary heart disease, a total of 9 cases of simple mitral stenosis; the two ventricle involving about 124 cases of rheumatic heart disease, myocarditis, and membrane lesions associated sympetalous anemia, hyperthyroid heart disease including; of the fourth groups: no organic heart disease, regular physical examination, laboratory tests and X-ray examination showed no abnormal cardiovascular and other circumstances affecting the heart, a total of 33 cases. Some patients with ESR, anti O, blood lipids and fundus examination are normal. 2 according to the following aspects of analysis The 2.1 ventricular contractions than basic ECG, all arrhythmias (atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation, nodal arrhythmia, atrioventricular block and bundle branch block (block), atrial hypertrophy, atrial lesions in the room), QRS wave abnormalities (low voltage, ventricular hypertrophy), the changes of ST-T are abnormal. Localization of 2.2 v


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