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  English句型转换;[例1] The little girl was so tired that she couldn’t go farther.    The little girl was ______ tired ______ go farther. ;  根据我们所学过的同义词组,look after sb well相当于take good care of sb. ; 很明显,这是两个简单句之间的转换,可用not strong enough来填空。 ; 从近年来的考题趋势来看,句型转换从单纯测试语法知识向改变句子结构填空,填词后使句意不变或与要求相符的方向发展。其中许多属于常用句型。可归纳如下: ; [例3] We can fly to the moon one day. ______ ______ fly to the moon one day?; [例3] The doctor could help that people. The doctor _____ _____ that people. ; [例2] I could dance and sing when I was five  years old.    I ______ dance ______ sing when I was  five years old. ; [例]  He can make a model plane, I think. (否定句)     I ______ think he ______ make a model plane.; 另外,还有ask sb (not) to do sth,Will you please (not) do sth,had better (not) do sth,try (not) to do sth, decide (not) to do sth等。 ; [例2] The man in the car is my father’s friend. ______ ______ is ______ father’s friend? ; [例2] Ann flew to Beijing last year. What _____ Ann ______ last year? ; c. 常见疑问词(组):what,what+名词(如what colour,what grade等),when,why,where,who(whom),which,whose,how,how+形容词\副词(如how long,how far,how often,how soon等)。要注意以上各种疑问词(组)的用法。 ;dd.?注意一些特殊词,如little,few,no,nothing,never等出现时,前半句表示否定的概念,后半句应用肯定形式。;[例4]  Don’t tell him the bad news, ______ ______? ;  另外,注意以下句子: I am a student,______ ______? What a kind girl, ______ ______? How fast the boy runs, ______ ______? ; [例3] I don’t know what I can do. I don’t know ______ ______ do. ; [例2]  Li Lei is the tallest in his class.   Li Lei is ______ than ______ ______ student in his class. ; [例3] You can’t take both the basketball and the football. You can take ______ the basketball ______ the football. ; [例2] His brother won’t do the shopping tomorrow. (改为一般现在时)    His brother _____ _____ the shopping on Sundays. ; [例3] The flowers are beautiful. ______ ______ ______ they are! ______ ______ __



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