30岁前养成14个习惯 越活越年轻(14 habits before 30 years old, the younger the more live).doc

30岁前养成14个习惯 越活越年轻(14 habits before 30 years old, the younger the more live).doc

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30岁前养成14个习惯 越活越年轻(14 habits before 30 years old, the younger the more live)

30岁前养成14个习惯 越活越年轻(14 habits before 30 years old, the younger the more live) Daily review: develop a healthy lifestyle, is a powerful weapon against the old health. Women in the 30 years before, we must learn to slowly cultivate some essential health habits, in order to better after the age of 30 against aging. Today told the female friends, before the age of 30 to develop what good habits. 1. often drink water Women want to keep the water when healthy skin should drink plenty of water. Especially in the morning, wake up to drink a cup of water can not only help you renew, can also nourish intestines, contribute to the day of discharge. And often drink water helps to The new supersedes the old. help rid the body of toxins accumulated. Before bath also do not forget to drink a cup of water, can complement the bath process of loss due to water. 2. pay attention to body Beauty of a woman is now on the body. Many women to pursue a slim figure and the curves of the body, it is normal to the beauty of the heart. To develop good habits in the past 30 years, pay attention to their own body size changes, not only is the concern of slim or not, we must pay more attention to the chest and hips are drooping trend. So, at the age of 30 when, there can still be proud. To old age, will not suddenly get fat, wanjiebubao! 3. be careful of radiation Now, because of work reasons, many women have a whole world to computer, mobile phone and other electronic products have radiation. Dont underestimate the radiation on the human body, the invisible injury in among the days and months multiplying will affect the womens skin and mental health. Remember to put a glass of water beside the computer habits, can reduce radiation damage, but also should pay attention to timely replenishment of water. Pay attention to the protection of the eyes, after a period of time to rest. Night lying when not playing mobile phone, as the eyes and skin damage are great. 4. go to bed on time do owls When people



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