3d材质和灯光(3D material and lighting).doc

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3d材质和灯光(3D material and lighting)

3d材质和灯光(3D material and lighting) 3D material and light The material, many friends began to know only the pictures in the material on the horse once, and some of my friends, the basic tools have not started to do the super realistic metal and glass, the former was a lazy words, the latter is anxious. Here again I saw on Mars the problems to be explained. (1).24 materials in light of how to do? We must first correct thought, a lot of friends to understand directly the material editor for storing the scene material place, in fact Wang Qi teacher has corrected the problem, we can understand the material as a palette, to transfer a good paint on the object, the rest of the material can be thrown, or saved to the material library there is a scene, recording material place in the material editor, it records all the materials used in the scene, and the display of the list of material level. When the material is not enough, --1--, we can choose a material, click on the editor of the black * *, this time the pop-up prompt is asked do you keep the scene using the material, or the material and material of ball up the scene with good material out, this time we can choose second single option, just delete the material on the ball Material retention has been used in the scene material. This time we can adjust the restoration material again and use. --2-- in the material editor has used material and material editor are linked, there is a two blue ball button in the material editor, click this button can disconnect the connection, this time to adjust material does not affect the scene with the material, after adjustment can be assigned to other objects (remember these two methods need to modify the name --3-- Oh). If we wish again to adjust the scene using the material, have a look at the Straw button in the editor can the scene material suction to the material ball adjust. --4-- also should be in when we learn to edit or edit polygon grid into contact with the surface of ID set, t



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