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22 1 Vo.l 22 No. 1 2009 2 W orld Forestry Research Feb2009 * 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 惠刚盈 胡艳波 赵中华 ( 1, 100091; 2, 100091) : 在回顾和评价现有可持续森林经营途径的基础上, 本 着重论述了结构化森林经营的科学性和可 行性 中指出, 结构化森林经营的目标 培育健康森林, 符合现代森林经营理念; 经营理论建立在结构 决定功能的系统法则上, 理论基础稳固; 经营方法充分利用了 基于相邻木关系的森林空间结构量化分析方 法的科学性简洁性和可操作性, 从而使林分结构调整成为可能; 经营模式以健康森林结构的普遍规律为范 式, 以保证林分结构调整目标明确; 经营原则在很大程度上借鉴并进一步量化了德国近自然森林经营的原 则, 有效规避经营风险总之, 结构化森林经营不失为一种简洁操作性强科学的森林可持续经营方法 : 森林可持续经营, 结构化森林经营 : S 750 : : 1001- 4241( 2009) 01- 0014- 06 Further D iscussion on S tructu re-ba sed ForestM anagem en t 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 HuiGangying Hu Yanbo Zhao Zhonghua ( 1 Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese cademy ofForestry, Beijing 100091, China; 2 Key Laboratory ofTree Breeding and Cultivation, State Forestry dm inistration, Beijing 100091, China. ) Abs tract: The paper is focused on the scientificity and feasibility ofStructure- based Forest M anagem ent on the basis of review ing and evaluating the existing approaches of sustainable forest management. The goal of Structure- based Forest Management is to cultivate healthy forests, which is in line w ith modern concepts of forestmanagement; Its theoretical foundation follows the system principle that structure determ ines the functions and thus it is stable; Themanagementmethod makes forest structural adjustments possible by making full use of the scientificity, smi plicity and maneuverability of Neighb or- relationship-based Quantitative nalysis of Forest Spatial Struc


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