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第28 卷 第 5 期 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 Vol. 28 No.5 2016 年5 月 Journal of Computer-Aided Design Computer Graphics May 2016 语义中间骨架驱动的自动异构运动重定向 1) 2) 1)* 谢文军 , 陆劲挺 , 刘晓平 1) (合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院 合肥 230009) 2) (合肥工业大学工业与装备技术研究院 合肥 230009) (lxp@) : 针对现有方法不能实现全自动异构重定向的问题, 结合语义中间骨架与多参数优化, 提出一种面向两足和 四足角色的分层骨架匹配方法. 首先选取业内公认的人类和四足骨架为原形创建语义中间骨架; 然后分析多种几 何、拓扑参数, 评估骨架节点的重要性和可区分度, 从而将节点分为 3 个层次, 并对每个层次的节点选取合适的参 数组合, 结合中间骨架所提供的语义信息匹配各层节点; 最后进行满足末端轨迹和步态约束的运动数据转移. 通过 一组多样化异构角色进行自动重定向实验, 证明了文中方法对身体比例多样、局部结构复杂的骨架均能正确地进行 批量自动的异构重定向. :角色动画; 异构运动重定向; 语义中间骨架; 骨架匹配 :TP391.41 Automatic Heterogeneous Motion Retargeting Using Semantic Inter-mediate Skeleton Xie Wenjun1), Lu Jingting2), and Liu Xiaoping1)* 1) (School of Computer and Information, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009) 2) (Institute of Industry and Equipment Technology, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009) Abstract: Fully automatic motion retargeting between heterogeneous skeletons is not feasible by existing meth- ods. To solve the problem, we proposed a hierarchical skeleton corresponding method based on semantic in- ter-mediate skeleton and multi-parameter optimization for biped and quadruped characters. The human and quad- ruped skeletons, which are widely used in the animation industry, are introduced as inter-mediate skeletons. Series of geometry and topology parameters are analyzed, and then skeleton nodes are classified into three layers ac- cording to their significant level and dipartite degree. According to the selected parameters for each layer, and semantic information from inter-mediate skeleton,


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