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國民小學學生網路遊戲沉迷之行動研究 ction Research of Addiction On-line Games for An Elementary Student *賴奇俊 林忠正 廖惠珍 吳昆達 陳韻仙 **高維序 *Chi-Chun Lai Chung-Cheng Lin Hui-Ghen Lin Kun-Ta Wu Yun- Hsien Chen, **Wei-Hsu Kao *彰化縣三春國民小學 **高雄縣旗尾國民小學 *San Chun elementary school of Changhua County **Chi Wei elementary school of Kaohsiung County 摘 要 本研究以一位沈迷網路遊戲的國小五年級學生為研究對象,在歷經五個月研究過程中,透過訪談、文件分析等方式,從家長、導師、朋友、同學多方觀點蒐集案主的家庭、學校與網咖的生活;探尋案主沈迷網路遊戲現象、原因,並據此提出實施策略,探討實施成果。 研究發現案主因沈迷網路遊戲,導致家庭生活、學校生活、個人行為、價值觀均產生相當程度的影響。沈迷的原因和家庭環境、案主個性、與學校生活均有關係。解決策略應兼顧家庭、學校生活、與個案輔導三方面同時實施。 後續研究者可以透過傾聽案主,深入心中探尋案主心聲。也可以透過多元研究方法,對於導師、家長、案主心路歷程進一步探討。 關鍵字:網路遊戲、網路沈迷、線上遊戲沈迷 Abstract In this research, we took an elementary student of grade 5 as my sample. Data was collected from parents, teachers, friends, and classmates by the approach of in-depth interview and document analysis during five months. The purpose of this research is to find the reasons and phenomenon of the student who were addicted on-line games. According to the mentioned data, we refer some executable strategies and have some discussion of real execution results. We found that the student of our case has been effected profoundly in family and campus life, personal behaviors, and thoughts of values for the students addiction of on-line games. The reasons of this sort of addiction are related to the sample student’s personality, family environment, and campus life. The strategy of this issue solution should be executed under good care both in case counseling and family-campus life. People who have the research of this issue could discuss further through ways of listening to mental opinions of the target student, parents, teachers or other multiple approach of methodology. Keywords: on-line game, Internet Addition, addiction in on-line games 壹、緒論 一、研究背景與動機 隨著資訊產業的發達,網路科技幾成為當前社會的主流文化之一,國內已有超過6成的人上網,約1,380萬人,其中高達93%是12~25歲的青少年及社會新鮮人,也因此對正值人格發展重要階段的青少年帶來身心莫大衝擊與深遠影響(台灣愛鄰社區服務協會,2005)。 上網是學生學習的管道之一,更成了學生休閒的主要場所;根據調查青少年暑假上網上網遊戲與上網聊天的比率超過87%


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