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Organizational Support Renewal Grant Application Form – FY 2017 Please use this template to complete the Renewal Grant Application. This form is designed to be used in conjunction with the CBF’s Organizational Support Grant Guidelines. The Application Form and required attachments must be submitted to the CBF by Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. (see Section N for submission instructions). Only organizations that received a one-year grant in May 2016 or a two-year grant in May 2015 should complete this form. Organizations that received a two-year grant in May 2016 will receive a separate Midterm Progress Report form that will be due on Friday, March 3, 2017. General Information Name of Organization: Name and Title of Contact Person (if different from above): E-mail: Phone: Funding Amount Requested (per year): $ ( One-year grant ( Two-year grant Organization Profile If your organization has undergone significant changes in the past 12 months (such as the launch of a new project or a change in the focus of your work), please summarize your organization’s work. Include the client population(s) and geographic area(s) served, and list any new projects or initiatives launched in the past 12 months. (Leave blank if your organization has not undergone significant changes in the past 12 months.) [Limit 250 words] Total Staff Size (please do not include unpaid interns or volunteers): Full-time: Part-time: Contractual: Attorneys: Legal Needs Addressed What other legal aid organizations, if any, provide similar services to the same client population(s) and/or geographic area(s)? How, if at all, do you distinguish the services you provide from the services provided by other similarly situated organizations? What void would exist if your organization were not here to provide services? [Limit 250 words] Mission and Vision If your organization’s vision for the community or mission has changed within the past 12 months,


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