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第 25卷, 第 4期 Vol. 25, No. 4 2009年 12月 W ORLD EARTHQUAKE ENGINEER ING Dec. 2009 : 1007- 0 9( 2009) 04- 0148- 05 1 2 1 2 石玉成, 王旭东 , 秋仁东 , 郭青林 ( 1. , 730000; 2. , 73 200) : , 254, , , , 4 , , ; , , , , : ; ; ; : TU435; P31598 : A Study on seism ic stab ility of grottos w ith gab le roof under vertical seism ic load s 1 2 1 2 SH IYucheng, WANG Xudong, Q IU Rendong, GUO Q inglin ( 1. Lanzhou Institute of Seismo logy, CEA, Lanzhou 730000, China; 2. Institute of Dunhuang, Dunhuang 73 200, China) Abs tract: Som e of the Ch inese grottos adopted a gable roof, wh ich is a fusion of Ch inese arch itecture trad ition and that of Buddhism. In th is paper, using No. 254 grotto w ith gable roof as an example, 3D numericalmodel of the grotto is established and its analysis is done incorporating consideration of vertical groundmotion effect and d ifferent parameters of tmi e history of groundmotion. W ork ing cases of four 3D models are calculated to get tensile stress dis- tribution in rockmass. The results show that the top of the gable roof endures strongest tensile stress and is relatively vu lnerable under effect of strong earthquake. A lthough central pillar can mi prove seism ic resistance of rock mass of grottos, it also causes stress concentration in rocks around both ends, w here is the key spot for seism ic reinforce- ment. For close grottos arranged in tiers the effect of vertical seism ic loads is an mi portant factor, wh ich shou ld be included for seism ic safety of grottos. K ey w ord s: grotto w ith double-oblique-planes roof; country rock; v


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