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课题:词汇与用法(Module 2 Book 4) 枣庄八中南校 王光义 一、教学目标、方法和手段概述 课 题 Traffic jam 课 型 Revision 目 标 要 求 知识目标 To master: 1. important words: display, limit, destination impressive, route, provide, convenient, react, solution , permit, worth mood 2. important phrases: be connected to , be / get stuck in , get around, switch off, keep cool 3. Grasp the language points and can use them correctly. 4. Finish some related exercises about the language points. 能力目标 To train: 1.Train students the ability to explore knowledge by themselves. 2.Working cooperatively with others 情感态度价值观 To arouse students: 1. A broad mind to absorb different varieties of English. 2. Cooperation with others. 教学重难点 1.Completely master the important language points in the module 2. let the students learn to use key words and phrases. To develop the students’ reading strategy. 教学方法 Asking and answering activity; Group activity; Individual activity 教学手段 多媒体教学 二、教学流程设计 Step1: Ask the students to look through each word and phrase in this module and master them. 英译汉 1. blow v. _______ 2. fare n._______ 3. trolleybus n._________ 4. suburban adj.________ 5.receipt n.________ 6.tricycle n._______ 7.roadwork n._______ 8. horn n._______ 9. congestion n.________ 10. jam n. &vt._____ 答案:1. 吹响2. 车费3. 电车;无轨电车4. 郊区的;市郊的5. 收据;发票6. 三轮车 7. 道路施工8. 喇叭;号角;动物的角 9. 拥塞;堆积 10. 果酱;拥挤;卡住;塞进 设计思路:目的让学生看到单词知道汉语意思,并能知道词性与这些词的用法。因为我们考试样式就是让学生看到单词知道语意,才能更好的做好阅读理解。 汉译英 1.展示;陈列;显示 vt.&n.________ 2.目的地;终点;目标 n.__________ 3.方便的;便利的 adj.___________ 4.探索;探究;勘察 vt.__________ 5.答案;解答;解决办法n._______ 6.心情;情绪;(动词的)语气n.______ 7.登记;挂号;执照 n._______ 8.做出反应;起反应vi._______ 9. 乘客;旅客 n.________ 10. 交通;车辆 n.________ 答案:1. display 2. destination 3. convenient 4. explore 5. solution 6. mood 7. registration 8. react 9. passenger 10. traffic 设计思路:目的让学生看到汉语意思,能写得出正确的单词,也是为做阅读表达与写作文做铺垫。 词汇拓展: suburban adj._______ n. 郊区;城


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