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隐藏或显示托盘图标(Hide or show the tray icon).doc

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隐藏或显示托盘图标(Hide or show the tray icon) Hide or show the tray icon.Txt my life A as B, your life is B S. Failure is not terrible, the key is not the mother of success. The students now not too much quality! Come copy feather, actually by shear! Free to study Feng Shui, after the death of a tomb is made up of living cant afford to buy a house. definition statement Option Explicit Private Const WM_USER = H400 Private Const = TB_BUTTONCOUNT (WM_USER + 24) Private Const = TB_HIDEBUTTON (WM_USER + 4) Private Const = TB_GETBUTTONTEXTA (WM_USER + 45) Private Const = TB_AUTOSIZE (WM_USER + 33) Private Const MEM_COMMIT = H1000 Private Const MEM_RESERVE = H2000 Private Const MEM_RELEASE = H8000 Private Const PAGE_READWRITE = H4 Private Const = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION (H8) Private Const = PROCESS_VM_READ (H10) Private Const = PROCESS_VM_WRITE (H20) Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib user32 Alias FindWindowA (ByVal lpClassName As String ByVal lpWindowName As String As Long) Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib user32 Alias FindWindowExA (ByVal hWnd1 As Long ByVal hwnd2 As Long ByVal lpsz1, As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String As Long) Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib user32 Alias SendMessageA (ByVal hWnd As Long ByVal wMsg As Long ByVal wParam, As Long, lParam As Any As Long) Private Declare Function VirtualAllocEx Lib kernel32.dll (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpAddress As Any, ByRef dwSize As Long ByVal flAllocationType, As Long, ByVal flProtect As Long As Long) Private Declare Function VirtualFreeEx Lib kernel32.dll (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpAddress As Any, ByRef dwSize As Long ByVal dwFreeType As Long As Long) Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib Kernel32 (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long ByVal bInheritHandle, As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long As Long) Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib Kernel32 (ByVal hObject As Long As Long) Private Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib user32 (ByVal hWnd As Long lpdwProcessId As Long As Long) Private Declare Function


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