雅思tryaow雅思口语拓展思路方法(Tryaow IELTS IELTS speaking expansion method).doc

雅思tryaow雅思口语拓展思路方法(Tryaow IELTS IELTS speaking expansion method).doc

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雅思tryaow雅思口语拓展思路方法(Tryaow IELTS IELTS speaking expansion method)

雅思tryaow雅思口语拓展思路方法(Tryaow IELTS IELTS speaking expansion method) A-boy, Qiu Ming, poly also scattered leaves, jackdaw habitat re shock. A method of multiple expansion. Details: One of the main reasons causing the answer too short is the only answer the examiner questions. But in fact, the examiner questions is not the purpose of just to hear the answer. Based on the answers, students need to take the initiative to give extra information, because the interviewer wants to hear more language ability exhibition. So most of the core topic to develop ideas for: Direct answer + X 1. X= 5WH+ How Often This method is the basic question and answer, relating to the core content of the information offered to the examiner, and then together into a complete answer. Here we look at the Part1 and part2 some demo zhenti. Part 1: Have you travelled recently it? I have. thought 1:Yes demo, (Direct answer) Last month (when) I went to Hong Kong (where) with my parents (who). We had a great time at the Disney Land and went shopping too. (what) I havent thought 2:No demo, (Direct answer). Im been busy with my studies (why).But after the exam (when), my parents and I (who) are going to Hong Kong and we would like to go to Disney Land and go shopping too. (what) Part 2 Describe a library that you, have used. You should say: Where it was What type of library it was What you used the library for What you liked and /or disliked about this library And explain how useful it was for your studies or research. Idea: where it was shows: on campus (Direct answer) (Where):It was next to our teaching building of English Department (When): It was built 50 years ago when our school was established. (Who): Most of the students liked to go there as well as the teachers (How often): I almost went there everyday especially around exam time. We can see that this method is simple, is to expand the basic method, as long as the basic knowledge of grammar can be easily done. But in part2 I suggest candidates who


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