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当前文档由后花园网文自动生成,更多内容请访问 HTTP://WWW.HHYWW.NET 在这种孤独性的气味面前鼓起勇气 来源于:读首诗再睡觉 鹿地小屋 走回那里,路途真是 遥远,有谁 知道那方言? 动物们在那里聚集。 我们上方一条冰线 向下增加一英寸, 房间的光渐绿, 微粒收紧。 俯身察看那部《大密码》 躺在桌子上腐朽, 仿佛在那座山西边的鸦雀和忽明忽暗中 挥动短柄小斧,所有浣熊、 鹿都在它 ──这本书──上面涌出, 块状、尖状的表情仿佛在瞄准、锁定,看着 这本书里的文字。确实需要 清理这张桌子了。 重现──但在爱欲的秘传的 一个最新、最新歌剧场面中,聪明、 悲伤、脚步小心,它们 在这种孤独性的气味面前, 在其实是房间外套的房间面前, 在被各种形象──主要是我们 样子好看的小意志在它们手里运动── 稍微煮过的戏剧场面的气味面前 鼓起勇气。 一条冰线、苦行和命运、形状在我们上面, 梨树枝条在这长满苔藓屋顶上拂拭。 作者 /[加拿大] 蒂姆·利尔本 翻译 / 黄灿然 选自 / “诗歌来到美术馆”第20期活动手册 Deer Place Hut What a long walk back to it and who knows the dialect? The animals pool there. A line of ice above us adds an inch down and the roomrsquo;s light grows greener, atoms tighter. Lean over The Great Code where it lies in the rot on the desk, as if hatcheting in crows and flickers on the west side of the mountain, all raccoons, deer were welling above it, the very book, lumpy, spiking look cross-hairing, lodged, over the writing in the book. Truly have to clean this desk. Ricorso ndash; but in one late, late, scene in erosrsquo;s mystagogia, opera, clever, sad, foot-careful, they muster before the odor of this alone-ity, the room which is a room- coat, the smell of theatre screen lightly cooked by images, mostly of our small, shapely wills moving their hands. A line of ice, ascesis and fate, forms above us brush of pear branch


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