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restrain vt. 抑制, 阻止, 束缚, 剥夺 He couldnt restrain his curiosity. We must not restrain children of their liberty. arbitrary adj. 任意的, 专制的, 武断的, 霸道的 Most presidents in this African country are arbitrary rulers.这个非洲国家的总统大多数是专横的统治者。 I have no idea of what is in fashion so my choice is quite arbitrary. 我不知道什么时兴,因此我的选择是非常随意的。 What can we possibly conclude from these discrepant points of view? discrepant (a): different 有差异的 discrepancy (n): difference; failure to agree 差异 They reached widely discrepant conclusions. 他们的结论大相径庭。 wishful thinking 如意算盘,痴心妄想 stark 1. adj,(外表上)简陋的,荒凉的 the stark beauty of the New Mexico desert 2. adj ,明摆着的,无掩饰的 stark reality 3. adj,完全的,全然的,十足的 in stark contrast to 与...完全相反(形成鲜明对照) stereotype n. 模式化观念, 典型, 老一套陈规老套, 铅版 The idea is an old-fashioned stereotype. 这观点是老一套了 He doesn’t conform to the usual stereotype of city businessman with a dark suit. 他不像典型的城市商人那样穿一身深色的西装。 v. 对…形成模式化的看法, 使用铅版 insight n. 洞察力, 见识, 深刻的理解 Ive got an insight into the problem. 我对问题豁然开朗。 The book is filled with remarkable insights 这本书很有真知卓见。 contingent on 视 ... 而定, 随 ... 而定 Our plan for an outing is contingent on the weather. 我们外出游玩的计划视天气而定。 Our arrival time is contingent on the weather. 我们的抵达时间取决于天气情况。 crucial adj. 决定性的, 关键的 Her work has been crucial to the projects success. 她的工作对项目的成功至关重要. Trust is crucial for successful friendship. 相互信任是维系友谊的关键。 inherently 本能地;本质上地;固有地;生来就有的 e.g. Man is inherently good.人生来就是好的。 注意与naturally的区别,naturally表示自然地,天然地,如naturally drooping branches 天然下垂的枝条 sublime adj. 高尚的, 壮观的, 非凡的, 极其的 There is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous. 伟大与荒谬只有一步之遥。 Jiuzaigou is famous for its sublime scenery. 九寨沟以令人叹为观止的景色而闻名。 vt. 变高尚, 升华, 气化 n. 顶峰, 高尚 ultimately adv. 最后, 最终 All wealth comes ultimately from human labor. 一切财富归根到底来源于人类的劳动。 make way for 为 ... 让路, 为 ... 腾出地方 He stepped aside to make way for us. 他向旁边走了一步,给我们让路。 derive from 得到, 获得, 来自, 起源于 Thousands of English words derive from Latin. imm


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