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IN THE NAME OF PEOPLE; ;是搅局者?还是背叛者?正义与邪恶的终极博弈。   A spoiler or a traitor? It’s the ultimate battle between good and evil.   *spoiler:搅局者   *traitor:背叛者   *ultimate:终极的   *good and evil:正义与邪恶;In the Name of People shows a deep reflection on the fight against corruption, such as the complicated relationship between combating corruption and fostering economic development as well as the traditional code of conduct.; 我就不信了,朗朗乾坤有几个鬼啊!   I won’t believe that the ghosts dare to show up in broad daylight.   *这里的ghosts把贪官比作“鬼”   *dare to show up:敢显形   *in broad daylight:在光天化日之下(朗朗乾坤);经典语录two;经典语录1+two;公生明   Fairness leads to cleanness.   *fairness(公正)对cleanness(清明),押尾韵   ; 你以为别人敬他酒敬的是他的人缘?那都是敬他手里的权力。   Do you really think people propose a toast for his popularity? It’s the power in his hands!;最后,趁热打铁,老哥再赠你们一些反腐词汇,是不是觉得特别满足!收好不用谢 官场 officialdom 滥用权力 abusing power 特权 privilege 监督机关 watchdog 政治生态 political ecology; political environment 严重违纪 severe disciplinary violations 开除党籍 being expelled from the CPC “苍蝇”“老虎” tigers and flies - corrupt senior officials and lower-level officials 推卸责任 shirk responsibility 挥霍公款 squander public funds 八项规定 eight-point rules 廉洁自律 act with integrity and self-discipline 拉票贿选 vote rigging 买官卖官 buying and selling of official posts 高级干部 senior cadres/officials 党内监督 intra-Party supervision 脱离群众 isolation from the people;《人民的名义》这部剧你看了没?有何感想,有没有碰到什么扎心的台词?没看的赶紧的啊,嘛流的 ;THE END


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