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2007 年第 2 期 北方论丛 No 2 , 2007 (总第 202 期) THE NORTHERN FORUM Total No202 【中国古代知识分子研究】 论降清知识分子在缓解 社会及民族矛盾方面的作用 杨银权 (西北师范大学 文学院 , 甘肃  兰州  730070) [摘  要] 清王朝入主中原之后 , 处在汉族人民汪洋大海般的包围之中 , 各地的反清斗争绵延不断 , 使 得清王朝的统治者十分棘手。究其根源 , 则是因为清王朝是少数民族建立的政权 , 所以激起了广大汉族人 民的仇视。对于清政权来说 , 要想在中原站稳脚跟、巩固统治 , 必须首先缓和各种民族矛盾和社会矛盾 , 而对于采取何种措施来达到这样的目的 , 他们并没有明确的政策。正是在这种情况下 , 降清知识分子以其 娴熟的治理国家经验帮助清王朝统治者实现了这一目的 , 从而为统一多民族国家的进一步发展打下了坚实 的基础。 [ 关键词] 降清知识分子; 民族矛盾; 社会矛盾 ; 清王朝 [ 中图分类号] K249      [文献标识码] A      [文章编号] 1000 - 3541 (2007) 02 - 0076 - 04 On the Functions of Intellectuals of the Early Qing Dynasty in the Subsiding Social and National Contradictions YANG Yin - quan (College of literature , Northwest Normal University , Lanzhou 730070 , China) Abstract : Since the Qing Dynasty came to rule the Central Plains in 1644 , the non - stopping Anti - Qing struggles started by Han people caused much trouble to the Qing rulers. The conflicts was mainly due to the fact that the Qing Dynasty was a minority nationality re gime over the Han people , hence the great hostility of Han people to the Qing Dynasty. In order to take a firm stand in the Central Plains and solidify its rule , the political power of Qing must take some measures to ease the hostility of the Han people and the other contradictions ; but it had no explicit policies about what kind of measure to take. It was under this situation that the Surrendered Intelligen


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