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research on supply chain coordination of tpl supplier participation研究供应链协调tpl供应商参与
Journal of Service Science and Management, 2011, 4, 1-7 1
doi:10.4236/jssm.2011.41001 Published Online March 2011 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jssm)
Research on Supply Chain Coordination of TPL
Supplier Participation*
1 2 2
Yun Liang , Xiaode Zuo , Hong Lei
1Business Administration Department, Gangdong University of Finance, Guangzhou, China; 2Management School of Jinan Univer-
sity, Guangzhou, China.
Email: liangy5@163.com, tzuoxd@, leihong77@
th th th
Received October 8 , 2010; revised November 9 , 2010; accepted November 14 , 2010.
This paper used the Game Theory to research how to coordinate a kind of supply chain, which is made up of a domi-
nant manufacturer, a TPL supplier and some retailers. It also discussed the node enterprises’ decision models in three
situations : no coordination, partly coordination and all coordination based on symmetric information and proved sys-
tem’s profit was optimal in the situation of all coordination. And then some ways of profit distribution were laid out.
Finally, verified the validity of the models and ways of profit distribution through examples.
Keywords : Supply Chain Coordination, Third Party Logistics, Profit Distribution
1. Introduction of more than one retailer and partial cooperation has sel-
dom been paid attention to.
Enterprises tend to enhance their core competence through
outsourcing logistics service under the fierce market 2. Model Description
condition. The demand for third party logistics, TPL for
Gong Deyan [6]
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