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40  2         Vo.l 40 No. 2 2005 4       JOURNAL OF SOUTHW EST JIAOTONG UN IVERSITY       Apr. 2005   :0258-2724(2005)02-01 -05 沈志云 (, 6100 1)  :. 、 . . , . , 20 0 600 ~1 000 km /h . :;;; :U29  :A On Developing H igh-Speed Evacuated Tube Transportation in China SHEN Z h-iy un (Traction Power S tate Key Laboratory, Southw est Jiaotong University, Chengdu 6100 1, Ch ina) Abstract:The necessity and feasibility of evacuated tube high-speed transportation w ere discussed . The fundamental problems of this technology, e. g. pressure in the tube, coefficient of coverage and other related techn iques, w ere analyzed in detai.l More discussed w ere the strategy and technical choice of developing this k ind of transportation in Ch ina. The system consisted of partial pressu re in tube, h igh-temperature super conducting m agnetic levitation and synchronic linear motor traction is proposed to be the variant of developing research, so that the 600 - 1 000 km /h high-speed evacuated tube train m ight be able to run commercially by 20 0. K ey words:evacuated tube h igh-speed transportation;tube pressure;coefficient of coverage;key techniques   , 400 km /h[1- ] . , ,. . ,、. 1    , . ,. . [1], 1 . , 400 km /h, 80%。 ,, . , 80%,. :2005-01-25 :(1929 - ), , , . 1 4 西 南  交  通  大 学  学  报 第 40卷 . 1  Tab. 1 Proportion of air resistance 0 m in total resistance %   [4] 70 dB . - 1


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