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变异因子改进的进化策略算法 摘 要 进化策略是借鉴生物进化的思想,在现代遗传学的启发下,发展起来的一种启发式随机搜索优化方法。进化策略作为一个新的交叉学科,目前已发展成一种自组织、自适应的综合技术,广泛用于计算机科学、工程技术、管理科学和社会科学等领域,尤其在信号处理领域受到高度重视。 目前,由于进化策略产生下一子代的方法是通过变异方式实现的,对父代的继承性较差,因此目前进化策略的应用主要是配合遗传算法或其它智能算法使用,单独使用进化策略解决问题的例子较少。针对于此,本文提出改进后的进化策略算法,该算法能够有效地继承父代的优点,能够得到更快、更优的收敛结果。本文的主要研究内容包括: 1. 对传统进化策略进行分析,剖析其收敛过程,掌握制约收敛速度和收敛全局最优解的基本要素,通过对传统进化策略的改进,进而得到一种更快、更好的进化策略寻优算法。 2. 提出改进后的进化策略算法,论述其实现方法,并与传统进化策略进行实例仿真对比。 3. 通过实例说明改进后收敛算法比传统进化策略具有更好的收敛速度和更加稳定的收敛特征,能够有效的收敛到全局最优点。 本课题是以传统进化策略为基础,所做的探索性研究尝试提供一种新的进化策略方法,改进传统进化策略。本文证明了改进进化策略的收敛性,并且通过多个实例验证了改进后的进化策略,证明其具有更快的收敛速度和更好的稳定性。 关键词:进化策略,变异因子,优化算法 Abstract The evolution strategy profits from the biological evolution theory, and it is a heuristic stochastic search optimization method in the inspiration of the modem genetics. As a new interdisciplinary study, the evolution strategy has developed as an self-organized, auto-adapted comprehensive technology, which is widely used in the field of computer science, project technology, management science,social sciences and so on, particularly in the signal processing. At present,the evolution strategy neglects the characteristic of father generation, so the evolution strategy application is not independent. Mostly, it is used to coordinate with the genetic algorithms or other intelligent algorithm. Accordingly, we propose the improvement evolution strategy. This algorithm can effectively inherit the meritorious character of father generation, which can obtain a result quickly and precisely. This article main research content includes: 1. By analyzing the traditional evolution strategy, we grasp the basic essential factor of restricting convergence rate and the overall situation optimal solution. At last we obtain a quicker and the better evolution strategy algorithm. 2. We propose the improvement evolution strategy. We elaborate its implementation method, and contrasts with the traditional evolution strategy by the example simulation. 3. The improvement evolution strategy has a


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