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25 4 Vol. 25, No. 4 2005 8 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEERING AND ENG INEER ING VIBRATION Aug. 2005 : 1000-1301( 2005) 04- 0011- 0 1 1, 2 1 1 徐国栋 , 周锡元 , 闫维明, 董娣 ( 1. , 100022; 2. , 100022) : 2 , , ( SS) ( PGA) : 0, , , , , : ; Penzien; ; ; ; : P315. 915 : A The synthesis of m an-m ade ground m otion con sidering th e super-random n ess 1 1, 2 1 1 Xu Guodong , Zhou X iyuan , YanW emi ing, Dong D i ( 1. Beijing Key Laboratory ofE arthquake Engineering and StructuralR etrofit, Beijing 100022, China; 2. Institute of E arthquake Eng ineering andD isaster Reduction, Beijing University of Techno logy, Beijing 100022, China) Abs tract: Accord ing to the tw o mi portant properties of the autocorrelation function, the paper proposes am ethod of creating the random noise in autocorrelation function through iterations and then gives amethod to synthesizem an- made seism icw ave whose objective function is the autocorrelation function or the correspond ing pow er spectra in consideration of so called super-randomness of ground motion caused by random noise in autocorrelation. It is ind-i cated that the SS ( sum of squares) of groundmotion ismore adaptable measurem ent of the ground motion severity rather than the peak ground acceleration ( PGA ) of ground motion wh ile whose m ain phase can be regarded as a stationary random process. TheMonte Carlomethodw as used to analyze the effect of the random noise part in auto- correlation on the amp litude ofm an-made seism i


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