痛风、尿酸高宜吃什么水果(What kind of fruit should be taken in gout or uric acid).doc

痛风、尿酸高宜吃什么水果(What kind of fruit should be taken in gout or uric acid).doc

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痛风、尿酸高宜吃什么水果(What kind of fruit should be taken in gout or uric acid)

痛风、尿酸高宜吃什么水果(What kind of fruit should be taken in gout or uric acid) Uric acid is high, must be careful not to eat a high protein containing foods, such as soy products, including egg, meat can not eat, cannot drink more, eat more vegetables, to light diet drink plenty of water, for the excretion of uric acid, in addition to check what reason is caused by uric acid high, some diseases can be caused by high uric acid, solve the primary disease, uric acid will automatically drop down, taking drugs to lower uric acid, such as probenecid, wish you a speedy recovery! People with high uric acid pay attention to diet Usually pay attention to several aspects: 1. eat food with high protein; 2. to 3. do not drink can take some uricosuric drugs such as citric acid mixture of 4. losartan has certain uricotelism 5. if through these measures can be controlled, allopurinol is not currently found what Chinese traditional medicine can reduce uric acid. Clinical manifestations of gout Gout is rarely seen in our country in the past. The incidence of gout has been increasing in recent years. In adults in the west, it is 0.5 to 1%. For arthritis, 5% were gout, while idiopathic hyperuricemia was 5 to 20%. The male is more frequent, the hair age is 30~40 years old, about 50% have the hereditary family history. Domestic Zhejiang hospital reported 40 cases, 39 cases (97.5%), after the onset of 50 years old. More common in obesity, mental workers. The incidence of wine, meal and gel like, allergy related. Female gout accounted for only 5%, most of the incidence after menopause. Gout is mainly divided into the following stages: (I) asymptomatic phase This stage only showed hyperuricemia. The incidence of hyperuricemia is much higher than that of gout. Us statistics for 13.2%. The upper limit of hyperuricemia is 417 mol L-1 for men, 357 for women and mol for L-1. The mean value of serum uric acid in children is 214 mol L-1, and after puberty, men begin to increase, while female uric acid incr



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