白内障手术是复明还是失明(Cataract surgery is fuming or blindness).doc

白内障手术是复明还是失明(Cataract surgery is fuming or blindness).doc

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白内障手术是复明还是失明(Cataract surgery is fuming or blindness)

白内障手术是复明还是失明(Cataract surgery is fuming or blindness) Observation is not fine, it is a lesson to be learned The conclusion is not enough for medical malpractice. After identification, I think the show is still false medical records. In March 15th 99, I filed an administrative lawsuit against the court of Haizhou District of Fuxin, asking for the identification of the authenticity of the case, and the court refused to accept it. Then, in April 99, 4, the provincial health department to apply for re identification. In September 8th 99, the expert appraisal at the meeting with a medical record in the province said appraisal meeting: for the identification of experts, from the medical records do not see patients with surgery, the recovery of visual acuity after surgery, healing of incision, was discharged from the hospital in what circumstances, even a summary is not, in the case of what is invisible. The expert asked again, have I seen the medical record? I said, no, they wont let me see. This medical record is false.. The expert asks me again: did you go through the discharge formalities? I said, no!. At this time, the president of light hospital, but said, and I have an agreement, has given me 5000 yuan. I was startled, what 5000 yuan of money? Who gave the money to? I received the identification of medical malpractice identification book in November 16th, the book said: the experts reviewed the relevant detailed pathography, listened carefully to the statements of both doctors and patients were fully discussed, identification of experts opinions as follows: 1) the diagnosis is correct, the treatment principle is not wrong (what is the principle?) 2) in 1989, the first operation, under local anesthesia, the lens extraction in the pack, has operation indication (where is the operation indication?) 3) iris detachment occurred 4 years after surgery, which is a complication after cataract surgery; 4) conclusion: it does not constitute medical malpractice. The identificat


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