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神蜂精(Shenfengjing) Shenfengjing A new generation of bee venom topical liniment Chinese womens volleyball special treatment supplies National fifteen bee venom key research project Shenfengjing, a use of bee venom liniment effective ingredients and traditional Chinese medicine recipe prepared by Professor Miu Xiaoqing of Fujian Agriculture And Forestry University, is a famous apitherapy expert after the clinical verification and screening hundreds of times and over 10 years of successful development, it breaks through the pure venom changeable and unstable technical difficulties, the science of traditional Chinese medicine and bee venom the organic combination of active ingredients, not only significantly improve the efficacy, and active ingredients can bee long-term preservation. Over the past 10 years, tens of thousands of cure arthritis shenfengjing, cervical spondylosis and disc herniation patients, the ability to restore their life and work. The relevant departments of the state and the support of Fujian Province, the bees poison industrialization project was listed as a national fifteen key scientific research project of Fujian Agriculture And Forestry University, founded by Miu Xiaoqing and the bee Fujian bee therapy hospital Have been set up in China, the clinical application of bee venom to reach a new level. To this end, CCTV into science section specifically do a detailed report of 30 minutes, the major media of this ancient and magical apitherapy treatment done many interviews, shenfengjing inventor professor Miu Xiaoqing hailed as the first person China apitherapy. Chinese womens volleyball team that shenfengjing new product news, the womens volleyball team personally after the trial, agreed that shenfengjing to treat acute and chronic injuries have very definite effect, long-term use of non-toxic side effects, will eventually be designated as special womens volleyball Chinese shenfengjing healing supplies, and a series of other bee products designated as


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