福大生化题(Fu biochemical problems).doc

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福大生化题(Fu biochemical problems)

福大生化题(Fu biochemical problems) 012 years of special exams for postgraduate studies and answers: Biochemistry First, individual choice questions 1. the main chemical bond that maintains the structure of the protein two is: A. B. C. D. salt bond and hydrophobic peptide two disulfide bond E. 2. which of the following bases exist only in RNA but not in DNA?: A. uracil B. adenine C. cytosine D. guanine E. thymine 3. analogs of sulfa drugs are: A. leucovorin Dihydrofolate B. C. amino benzoic acid D. folic acid E. pyrimidine The difference between the 4. enzyme and the general catalyst is that the enzyme has: A. enzyme can change the reaction equilibrium constant B. extremely high catalytic efficiency C. is highly unstable to the reaction environment D. highly specific 5. oxidation of pyruvate to produce acetyl CoA, A, related to many vitamins, except: A.B1 B.B2 C.B6 D.PP E. pantothenic acid 6. normal plasma lipoproteins are arranged in a sequence of low density to high order: A.CM, VLDL, IDL, LDL B.CM, VLDL, LDL, HDL C.VLDL, CM, LDL, HDL D.VLDL, LDL, IDL, HDL E.VLDL, LDL, HDL, CM 7. low density lipoprotein: A. is converted from beta beta lipoprotein in plasma B. is synthesized in the liver C. has the highest cholesterol levels D. is rich in apoB100 The 8. P/O ratio refers to: A. consumption per one oxygen consumed warashina Tim brB. per vertebral swollen post? Consumption of molecular oxygen consumed grams of inorganic phosphorus C. consumption per one oxygen consumed by the inorganic phosphorus atom number D. consumption per one oxygen consumed by the number of moles of inorganic phosphorus E. grams of inorganic phosphorus consumed per molecule of oxygen consumed The coenzyme component of 9. transaminase contains: A. pantothenic acid B. (pyridoxal or pyridoxamine) C. Niacin D. riboflavin E. thiamine 10. the most direct link between nucleotide synthesis and glucose metabolism is: A. glucose B.6 glucose phosphate C.1 glucose phosphate D.1, 6, two, glucose phosphate E.5 glu


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